Chap 9- Enjoying the bad boys company??

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^^^ Blake ;) hehe 


Callie's P.O.V

Blake helped me out the car, heading to a spot at the edge of the lake, placing his jacket down for us to sit on.

"Quick questions Blake...why are you spending time with me when you could properly be getting laid or causing trouble with your friends?" I asked looking at him

He shrugged, not answering me. I decided not to ask him again, there would be no point wasting my breath. I looked at the view in front of me, digging into my lunch...Blake doing the same. I don't think I have ever seen him this quiet in all the years I have known him.

"When you coming back to school? My days are ruined not having you there to harass and annoy." He said smirking looking at me

"Never! I am immigrating to Australia to get away from you." I laughed sticking my tongue out at him

"Come on now Callie, you can't do that to will break my black heart." He pouted

Seeing Blake pout is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. It is weird and not him at all. I burst out laughing at him, making him do the same. I shook my head, rolling my eyes playfully at him.

Why was I getting along with Blake James of all people? I still kept my guard up in case he has some sort of plan up his sleeve, he is the bad boy at the end of the day and he cannot be trusted.

"You are the one that does the heart breaking, not the other way I round." I giggled

"How do you know I have never had my heart broken?" he asked, turning around to face me

"I don't. Have you? Ever had your heart broke? Ever been in love?" I asked

I was genuinely curious about my questions. I see him shift uncomfortable as the mention of love. The material of his jeans all of a sudden became very intriguing to him. That is when I see it in his face, he has been in love before. I am assuming it never ended well for him. I have never seen him with the same girl long enough for him to fall in love, then again I do not know what he does outside of school.

"Oh My God you have been in love." I said louder than planned, sounding more shocked that I should

"I do not fall in love Callie. There was one girl, I could have fell in love with her but it never worked out. Now she is with someone and I have no chance, what makes it worse is her boyfriend is a guy with many secrets and she has no clue about any of them?" Blake said, a sadness to his tone

Now I was feeling bad for being a bitch to him yesterday about the full girlfriend/love thing.

"Sorry to hear that Blake." I said giving him a sympathetic smile

"I am over it." He shrugged

I never mentioned it after that cause I could see his guard was back up. I was curious who she was, the girl he was talking about...the one that if was single could possibly have been the one to stop his man whore ways. I was debating in my head if I should ask or not but never got a chance to decide because his phone started buzzing in his pocket.

"I swear that better not be Missy or I am throwing my phone in the lake." He chuckled, pulling his phone from his pocket

I giggled, the girl does seem like she is some sort of crazy assed stalker.

"Austin." He said answering his phone

He fell silent, Austin talking on the other end

"I am down at the lake with Callie. I don't think I am coming back to school, will come up with an excuse tomorrow." He chuckled

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