Chapter 31- Done waiting

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Blake's P.O.V

I got Callie home, when we arrived she sat down on her porch and I done the same. I could sense she was still mad at me, had a lot on her mind. I was telling her the truth nothing happened between Missy and me...she tried, I refused her.

"Callie please don't be mad at me? I done nothing, I swear." I said looking up at her

She turned her head to face me, the look on her face was not one I had seen and to be honest it never looked like a good one. I all of a sudden got a horrible feeling, like the words she is gonna say to me were ones I never wanted to hear.

"I know, I believe you." She said with a small smile

I relaxed after that, but her smile soon faded again.

"That is not the point though., whatever this is it needs to stop." She said

With her words I felt my heart break. She was giving up on us before even giving us a chance?

"What? Callie what does that mean?" I asked, though I knew

I reached for her hand, Callie quick to pull it away, shaking her head at me.

"Blake tonight showed me I still can't trust you, not completely. It is hard for me to trust anyone after what happened with Ryan. I thought maybe cause of the way you were making me feel, the way you were there for me and the time we have spent together that maybe this could work with time but now I know it was wishful thinking. You and I would never work Blake." She said, a sadness to her tone

Never work? I thought she was gonna say she needs time, I never expected Never.

"Callie you don't mean that. You are upset and drunk, maybe we should talk about this in the morning." I said

She looked at me and I knew that was not the case, no matter how she was feeling right in this moment she meant every word of that. There was no chance for her and I. I had waited years for her to be mine and now here we are, her telling me I have no chance with her. I have never felt my heart break as much as it is right now. Actually my heart has never really been broken, not really well until it comes to Callie.

"I do Blake I am sorry. You and I would never work, I see that now. I don't think you are into me as much as you think." She said

"Are you being serious right now?" I found myself snapping

Callie jumped, looking at me a shocked expression of her face. I never meant to snap at her, her words pissed me off though. She thinks I don't like her? She really has no clue what she is talking about.

"I aint into you as much as I think? Seriously Callie? Is that what you really think of me? If so then maybe we aren't meant to be together. You really don't see it do you even after everything we have been through these last couple of weeks? You are wrong Callie. I like you more than you realise, have done for years and there was me thinking I showed you that these last few weeks." I said

Callie looked at me, a few stray tears sliding down her cheek. I hated seeing her cry, I wanted to reach in wipe her tears away, kiss her and tell everything will be OK but I can't...not now cause she has made it clear she isn't really that interested in me.

"Blake I am sorry." She said

"You know what it don't matter. I want you, you don't want me." I said shaking my head

"What? No I never meant it that like Blake." She was quick to say

"You clearly did Callie. I will see you at school." I said standing up, walking away from her

"Blake wait?" she called after me but I ignored her

I was a fucking idiot. How did I think this would go? Ryan would be out of the picture and I would get my girl? Yeah right, that shit don't happen in real life that is the bullshit that happens in movies. I was done with all this bullshit. I should never had let my guard down. I should never have told her how I really felt. I should have kept my distance and stuck with playing games, least that was I would not be the one hurting right now. I decided I would head back to the party, drink too much and find someone to screw for the night, try take my mind of Callie. I have never been rejected in my life, not by anyone who actually means something to me.

I was hurt, pissed, disappointed and let down and I needed to forget about it, even for a little while. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out, seeing a text from Callie

Callie: Blake please come back? All of that came out wrong. I am sorry x

I went to respond, changing my mind. I deleted the text, shoving it back in my pocket. I made my way back to the party which was still in full swing. I looked around, looking for Austin and Josie finally finding them.

"Is Callie OK?" She asked

"Yes." Was all I said

"I never expected you to come back, thought you would have stayed with Callie to look after her." Austin said

"She is a big girl, she can look after herself." I said with no emotion "Anyway I am gonna go. I need to get laid, you two have fun." I said, going to walk away but Austin stopped me

"What are you doing Blake? I thought you were not screwing around cause you were waiting for Callie?" he said

"What would be the point? She aint interested. She doesn't want me. I waited long enough for her, no girl is worth all this hassle. I am over it." I said shrugging

"What? That is bullshit Blake, Callie does like you." Josie said

"She clearly doesn't." I said walking away

I headed to the kitchen, grabbing myself a drink before scoping out the room. My eyes fell on a sexy red head with a banging body and a nice ass. She would do. I made my way over to her

"Hey sexy." I purred at her

"Hi." She smirked, stepping into me

"Can I get you a drink?" I said giving her my best smile

She nodded. I wrapped my arm around her waist, leading her away to get a drink, even though it was the last thing I wanted but can't rush these things. She will make the first move after I use my charm on her, they always do. I felt my phone go. I pulled it out my pocket, seeing it was Callie. I rejected her call, seeing I had already had a missed call from her. I shook my head, putting it away and turning my attention back to the red head. I was done waiting around for her. I was done feeling whatever this is. Tonight I was gonna have fun and deal with everything tomorrow or never, not decided yet.


Hello everyone,

Sorry not updated for a while, been a little busy. 

Anyway here is the next chapter. 

Let me know your thoughts.


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