Chapter 2

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Bexley's POV
Nothing much happened during summer. I went on vacation with my family and had fun, but there was nothing special.

I really don't  want to get my hopes up by thinking this school year will be better. You know, just not to get disappointed. Just in case.

*ring ring*
Great. First period. Here goes nothing.
My first lesson for the day is math. I hate math. I'm not really good at it.

I enter the classroom and I see my friend, Ethan.

"Hey Ethan!" I say excitedly
"Oh, hi Bex. I missed you"
"There are many new kids here" I say
"Yeah. Have you gotten over Zach and everything?" He asks me
"I guess. I hope he's not in any of my classes this year though"
"Speaking of the devil" he says rolling his eyes

"No. No. No. No. Don't tell me he's actually here" I think

I turn around and I see him. He comes up to me and hugs me as if we were best friends or something like that.

"Oh hi little Bex" he says smiling
"Hi" I say faking a smile
"Hello everyone, I'll be your math teacher this year. Please take your seats. First of all I'd like to introduce you to our new students..." our teacher says.

I didn't pay much attention to most of them. But there was a kid who certainly got my attention.

"Hey, um, my name is Max Mills,  I just moved here from England. I have a twin and I'm good at math" he said. I couldn't take my eyes off him. He noticed and then smiled.

I have to admit this Max Mills is really cute and he seems nice. Maybe I'll try to talk to him.

*after the class*
"Where's Max? Oh, there he is! Wait. Max didn't have that hoodie on" I turn around and see the real Max Mills. "Then who's that other guy? Oh right, that must be his twin brother!" I try to go up to Max but he's busy talking to other girls. "I'll go up to him later".

*at lunch*
"Dudes, have you seen the new guy? Mills... what was his name again?" Hana, my best friend says with a huge smile on her face
"Max Mills?" I ask
"Who's Max? I mean Harvey, he's in my... in my... English class! Yeah! He's so cute omg I can't" she says shaking her hands in excitement.
"Oh god yeah! He's in social studies with me. The problem is he's too shy. I don't like shy guys" Liv, another one of my friends says
"I don't freaking care! He's still super cute! Boyfriend material. But he's mine, okay?" Hana says in a serious voice
"Okay I guess" I say laughing

My next class is art and i see that Max, Harvey and Hana are in my class
"Bex, we have to sit next to them. Pleaseeeee" she says almost begging
"Fine fine fine" I say laughing and rolling my eyes

Hana takes a seat next to Harvey and I take a seat next to Max.
"Hey" Max says
"Hi" both Hana and I say unison
"My brother and I are new here. And um, we need someone to show us around maybe?" He says
"I can do that!" Hana says without hesitation. She's kinda boy crazy
"I have to go home immediately after school today... but I'd love to" I say
"It's okay" Max says

*at the end of the day*
"Harv, you coming?" Max asks him
"Nah I'm good"
"Ok, let's go" Hana says with a bit of disappointment on her face

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