Chapter 28

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Harvey's POV

Hana saw me punching the wall and I told her to go fuck herself. Probably shouldn't have done that. I see her getting away looking pretty upset. I might as well say I'm sorry. I wait for a few minutes and then decide to go find her. Then, just around the corner, I hear her voice.

"Dude, he's so cute!" Hana says

Huh, I wonder who she's talking to

"Ew. Don't call him cute, it's weird" I hear someone say. It's Bexley

"Do I smell jealousy?" Hana asks

"No way! He's just... a friend. That's it" Bexley says not sounding very convincing

"hold up. Why do you have a picture of him in your camera roll, though? Is that why Harvey's jealous? Because you have some pictures of Logan in your camera roll? Is that why he's mad? Oh my god! Such good tea! Woo! High five!" Hana answers

Wow, I was hoping my suspicions would eventually turn out to be fake but this just made me realize I've been right all along. She might actually like him and that's why she hadn't told me anything about it.

Without thinking about it twice, I abruptly leave

Bexley's POV

I may have been a little rude to Hana, but I'm done with her always demanding attention when she can't even give a little herself. And it's been a rough day and I understand she has problems as well but she's my best friend and I was just hoping she'd listen to me

Harvey's POV

"Where's mum?" I ask Max as I enter the house

"Working, as always" he shrugs


"You know, I was thinking... we're turning 16 soon and you know... maybe we could try to get a job" he says rubbing his arm " I just hate to see her working 24/7 and I don't know... maybe it'd be a good idea to help her out, get some extra money"


"Whatever? Harvey, this is important!" He insists "don't you care?"

"I don't really care about anything anymore to be honest" I say heading towards our room

"Harvey" Max says right before I shut the door "is it all about Bexley?"

"Bexley doesn't matter to me anymore. I don't matter to her and she doesn't matter to me. The end."

"Oh my goodness, what the hell are you talking about?" he asks in a desperate way

"Logan's the name" I state

"Whose name?"

"Bexley's new boyfriend's "

"Wait. Bexley... has a boyfriend?" he asks me furrowing her eyebrows

"Okay. Not exactly" I admit


"He's not exactly her boyfriend"

"Then... what makes you believe he is? I don't understand" he says scratching the back of his neck

"For starters, they slept in the same room when she ran away some weeks ago"

"Oh! So she stayed with him during that time?"

"Yes, that's the guy. And, I overheard her talking to Hana and they were talking about some photos she had on her phone and she sounded jealous when Hana said he was cute, so I'm guessing there's more going on that she wants to admit" I tell him. He stays quiet. "So? What do you say?" I ask him shaking my hands

He facepalms himself "you're an idiot, Harvey!" He exclaims "what did she say about it?"

"She said that she didn't like him and that she likes me" I shrug

"And you didn't believe her?" He asks

"Well... I... want to but I can't"

"Harvey, is she said that it's because she actually feels it. Besides, he has no chances with her. He lives far away from here. I don't think she will see him again in a very long time"

"That doesn't mean she won't still text him! She can do that!"

"Whatever! If you rather waste all the precious time you could be spending with her thinking about this Logan dude and their most likely 'nothing more than friendship' relationship, okay then. Do whatever you want" Max says putting his hands up and leaving me alone

Bexley's POV

*incoming FaceTime call*

"Hey, Logan!"

"Hi, Bex" he says waving at me and giving me a big smile "so... how's everything?"

"It's okay" I say twisting my mouth and faking a smile afterwards

"It doesn't look okay"

"People have been telling me that a lot" I say rolling my eyes

"Are you and Harvey dating now?"

"Nope" I nod my head "we had an argument about..." I gulp "something"

I daze off for a bit when I see I just got a text from Harvey

I'm outside
We need to talk
Pls I'm so sorry

"Are you okay?" Logan asks

"Yeah..." I let out a nervous laugh looking at the camera "yeah. I'm okay. Look... I gotta go. Talk later?" I smile

"Sure! And we may see each other soon!" he says pressing his lips together

"Are you coming to visit?" I ask surprised and a little nervous



"You'll have to wait and see" he answers winking at me

"Okay. So... see you, Logan"

"Bye, Bex"

I close my laptop, run downstairs and open the door and I see him outside my house with a worried look on his face

"Harvey, what are you doing here?" I ask him crossing my arms

"It was quite immature of me to act like I did. I'm sorry. I want you to know that I appreciate you and that I don't wanna lose you. I don't like this whole Logan kid situation but-"

"He's not gonna get in between us" I say. And then I remember what Logan said: "we may see each other soon" and that moment wouldn't stop repeating itself in my head. Over and over again. What would happen if Logan came visit? Harvey would start a fight. I pray that what he said ain't true.

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