Chapter 35

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Bexley's POV

"You're one of my best friends but it sometimes... I don't know, it seems to me like the fact that I'm happy with Harvey doesn't really matter to you" I tell Logan "Why would you start yet another freaking fight? For what?"

"It didn't exactly happen that way. You saw how aggressive he turned when he found out I was... me."

"Look, I know him. And he's not aggressive. Ever. I know and I saw what he did but he's not a bad person. He treats me right, he cares about me and yeah, he might have made me upset a couple hundred times but it doesn't mean I don't want to be with him"

"Excuse me for what I'm about to say but... are you blind?" He says "How exactly does he treat you right? Remember that one time you came over to my house? What did you tell me about this whole thing? That he had made you upset because you had seen him kissing the person you hate the most, and you didn't even want to see him again and yet, you forgave him!"

"It was far more complicated than just that!" I say looking away. I really can't believe he's doing this.

"No, it's not. He hurt you. He does nothing but hurt you. He's not good enough for you. You deserve someone who really does treat you right!"

"Someone like who? You?" I ask "is that what you're trying to tell me? That I should date you instead?"

There's a long pause before he says anything. He gulps "I'd at least not disappoint you 24/7"

"Logan, you are one of my best friends. Friends. Remember that."

"I don't... wanna be just friends with you"

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but you better like being just my friend... or nothing at all. Because I am not going to let you interfere"

He presses his lips together "fine".

"Fine what?"

"Just fine. Okay?" He says and walks away.

What does fine even mean in a context like this one? What am I supposed to think from that?

I roll my eyes and leave as well.


Hana's POV

I've been thinking about actually carrying out the whole using Logan to get Max back plan, it sounds like kind of a good idea... could be? But then I see him in the hallway and he's talking to a girl. He gives me a quick glance and then looks back at her. I don't know who she is. We don't share any classes. She may just be a friend, but since he hasn't talked to me, I can't help but think she might be something else to him, so I walk past them angrily.

I see Logan texting someone by the lockers and say hi to him.

"Logan, I'm going to be straight up with you."


"I like you" I lie. I am not even sure why I just did that. Sounds like something I'll regret.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah" I sigh "but you like Bexley, don't you?"

Logan's POV

I like her. Of course I like her. But honestly, why even try anymore? She's made it clear she doesn't like me. Maybe she'll change her mind, maybe she won't. But I've come to realize in the last hour and a half that if this way she'll only want to stop talking to me and dang, I wouldn't be able to resist having hate me. And come on, as if Harvey and her were going to last forever. Nobody knows that, not even them.

"She's cute but she's like my sister so... no" I answer

"Then... you like someone else?" she asks me.

Something sounds very odd in here. The way she said it, it doesn't sound... legit.

Hana's POV

I'm not good at lying. I've never been good at lying. I don't know if I should keep this going. Maybe it's a bad idea. "you kno-" I start saying

"Why? You wanna date?" He asks me.

I don't really know what to answer. Maybe it's the way he said it, so indifferent.

Logan's POV

In case you're wondering, no, it wasn't hard to tell her that. I've dated many girls in the past 4 years. Yes, yeah, call me a player, I don't care. I just feel like it's important to keep your mind open to new possibilities and I could really use a distraction right now. Maybe it won't be that bad.

We stare at each other and the silence grows bigger and bigger each time. Until she says "If... you want to"

Something tells me that she's not even convinced she wants this. Like there's something behind all this, but god knows what it is.

"Okay... sure"

Hana's POV

I'm not exactly sure of how exactly he managed to take it so easily, but I am convinced I need this.


Bexley's POV

"No, I haven't watched it, but some people say it's really good" Harvey says

"Yeah, it's so damn good. It's way better than just good" Max says

"I know! I really can't believe how amazing that show is" I tell them

"Oh, is it better than this?" He asks and then kisses me. I kiss him back.

"Can't you guys see I'm eating? You both are making me sick" Max says "I feel like I'm going to throw up"

"You and Hana used to be the same-". Harvey stops and then whispers in my ear "who is Hana kissing over there?"

Then Max turns around.

You can go check my new story. It's on my page :)

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