Chapter 40

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Bexley's POV

I get away from him but he gets closer and I tell him "If you don't want to be my boyfriend anymore, then leave"

He grabs my arm and says "I'm sorry, it's just that your mom told me I couldn't date you, and I don't know..."

"Oh" I say "so... are we gonna... break up?"

He sighs "I don't want to. Do you want to?"

"No. I wanna be with you"

"Good" he answers smiling and grabbing my hand.

"Yeah, good"


"Hey Max" I say to him when I see him looking at Hana from far away "you really need to stop doing that"

"Doing what?"

"Spying on her like that"

"Does she not care about me anymore?"


"I mean, look at her, she looks so happy with him. It's like nothing ever happened between us. She got over me so fast. Why is she over me and I'm still here?"

I can tell he's sad, and who wouldn't be, but I don't know what to tell him to make him feel better, I don't even know if I should really be trying to make him feel better about this. Cause he's my friend, and I don't wanna lie to him. I wish they were together, but I don't know what's gonna happen and don't feel like giving him fake hopes is the best I could do.

"Maybe..." I start saying and think about what I'm about to say "maybe you should try to move on as well..."

"But I can't. I love her, Bexley. I love her and I don't think I'll ever stop loving her. But why can't she love me back? Am I not good enough? Is that Logan better than me? What is it?"

Right now, it feels like anything I could say, would come off as out of place, but I have to say something. He wants me to say something.

"What do you think it is? Tell me" he insists

"Feelings are feelings, Max. I don't know what to say. No one really understands how they work. But for your own good, I think it's better if you try to get over her"

"I can't get over her. She's my world. I can't even think about any other girls"

Max's POV

Except for that one girl I kissed that one day. But I don't think about her in a good way. I feel guilty about it. Extremely guilty.

"Just go and relax. Do something else, try to clear your head, you'll feel better, trust me" she says and I nod and leave.

Bexley's POV

I go talk to Hana, she's with Logan, just as she's been for the past two weeks. It feels kind of weird to interrupt them while they're... kissing. I touch Hana's shoulder and she turns around and tells me "Oh, hi, Bex"

Logan looks at me and gulps. I give him a quick glance because for some reason I feel like looking at him will only make it feel even more awkward.

"I need to talk to you"

"Sure, what about?"

"Can I tell you like... in private?"

"I'm sure it's nothing Logan shouldn't hear."

"Hana, come on" I say giving her an annoyed look.

"Ugh, fine"

We move away from Logan and she crosses her arms like she's mad at me for having interrupted something. "So?"

"Max is heartbroken"


"He really misses you."

"Yeah, okay, but I'm with Logan now."

"I know, and I promised myself I wouldn't intervene when it came to this sort of things, but-"

"Then don't" she says aggressively


"For once, just once, don't try to fix things that are none of your business. I mean, for starters, there is literally nothing to fix. I don't care what happens with Max. I don't care, Bexley. I don't care how he feels or what he thinks, I don't care"

Hana's POV

Or maybe it is that I care just way too much about him still and I hadn't noticed till now?

"Don't you get it how hard it was for me to get over him?" I say with a tear coming out of my eye.

"Don't cry, Hana" she says putting a hand on my shoulder

"I am not freaking crying" I answer wiping the tear of my cheek. I am over Max. I don't want him anymore. "I just want you to leave me alone and stop trying to talk me out of it cause it's not gonna work. I like Logan now, you know that"

Bexley's POV

"Fine, fine" I say letting her go back to Logan. She's right, maybe I shouldn't try to get into others' business. It's her life after all, not mine. I wish things were different, that they were what they used to, but really, I can't change the way things are.

I go home with Harvey by my side. Our conversation is short and not very fluent. It's almost as if we didn't know each other, neither of us wants to say anything. As we get closer to my house, I remember my mom better not see me with him again or she'll really try to keep him away from me. I look at him and he says "I think I should-"

"Yeah, probably... you should"

"I'll see you tomorrow" he says with a very dry goodbye. He usually gives me a kiss before he leaves but he doesn't do that this time.

I open my door and see my mom standing there. She must have seen us. "I thought I had made myself clear"

"It's fine, mom. We broke up"

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