Chapter 11

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Bexley's POV
*Two weeks later*
I have been trying really hard to go with the flow and I still don't know what I feel for Harvey, maybe it's just the fact that a guy is paying attention to me and that means way more than it actually should, I don't know. I just know that I'm still in love with Max and that I am very happy to have both of them as some of my closest friends.

I am walking in the hallway and Max comes up to me

"Bex, remember we had agreed to study math today at my place?" Max asks me
"Oh yeah. Who's coming?"
"Uh... just you, Hana, obviously Harvey and me"
"Okay. See you later"
"Okay" he says

I keep on walking and see Zach approaching me, so I start to walk faster. He corners me and I turn around to face him

"Okay, what exactly is it that you're trying to do, huh?" I say crossing my arms
"First of all I wanted to say sorry for what I did the other day. I am really sorry" he says ashamed
"Oh, don't worry. It's fine. I'm not mad" I say sarcastically
"No. How many times do I have to tell you that I want you out of my life?"
"Please listen to me" he puts a hand on my shoulder "please"

I think about it for a few seconds. I think I'll actually give him a chance. Wait. When him and Sky started dating I was broken. He never said sorry for leading me on. He even started ignoring me. Now he comes back and tries to make everything right. I really know how to hold a grudge, I'm sorry. No.

"Get your hand off me" I say starting to get mad
"Bex, please" he says cornering me again
"Leave me alone, Zach!" I say raising my voice

Max's POV
I turn around and see Bex being cornered by Zachary Hayes. Harvey told me what happened the other day at the park, when she saw them arguing. So that shows me that she definitely doesn't want to be there.

I go up to them and I say
"Hey, get away from my girl"
"Your... girl? What kind of joke is this, Mills?" Zach says
"It's not a joke, she's my girlfriend, and you better stay away from her" I say
"Is it true, Bexley?" he asks Bex, looking a little hurt

Bexley's POV
I know what Max is trying to do and I am trying to play along as well as I can.

"Yeah, it is" I say as I grab Max's hand
"Since when have you two been a thing?" Zach asks
"That's none of your business" I say as Max and I walk away together, still holding hands, leaving him behind us

When we finally get to a "safe place", I let go of Max's grip
"You didn't really have to do that, but thank you" I say
"I did, you're my friend. You needed me. And as awkward as you might find this, we might need to do this whenever he walks by so that he doesn't suspect anything" Max says in a serious way

Awkward? Oh no, not at all. Just hold my hand forever please

"You're right" I say nodding

Max's POV
No clue why I just told her that. My brother freaking likes her and he'll get very mad when he finds out. I need to tell him as soon as possible. Not to mention... ugh. I don't really want to talk about it right now. I just got myself in trouble.

*3 hours later*
I haven't had time to look for Harvey but i actually do now. I go to the hallway and then turn around and see Harvey behind me

"Max, what the hell?" he says half angry, half disappointed
"Wha-what?" I say
"So you and Bex are actually a thing and you decided not to tell me?"
"What do you mean?"
"Zach told me" he says

Harvey's POV
Zach and I have been talking a lot lately. I don't really like the fact that he's going after Bex, but other than that, I think he's cool. And he's in most of my classes so we talk everyday, you could say he's one of my best friends, so I guess I know him quite well and today he was looking a little bit down when I saw him at lunch

"You alright, man?" I asked him
"Yikes, no. There's this girl who liked me about a year ago, I kind of liked her too but I liked Sky more. Then I started dating Sky and I guess that kind of hurt her and now... now she hates me. The thing is that I broke up with Sky to be with her and it looks like she just started dating someone" he said

I knew he liked Bex judging by what I had seen at the park the other day, but when he mentioned it looked like she had just started dating someone, so I thought maybe he liked someone other than her. But no

"Oh, that sounds bad, who is it anyways?" I asked pretending to be confused
"Oh really? Do you like her a lot?"
"Obviously, dude, but if she's happy with Max... I'll try to respect that" he said looking down
"How do you know they're dating?" I asked him

My brother knew I liked him, he wouldn't do that to me, would he?

"I saw them holding hands and they both said they were dating" he said

I stood up and headed out to look for Max. And then I saw him, which brings me back to where we are now.

"It's not what it looks like" Max says
"That's what you always say, but according to Zach, you both said you are dating, what does that mean?" I say trying not to explode

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