Chapter 26

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Bexley's POV

Zach has never had many friends. And nowadays, he actually doesn't have anyone else but Harvey. And I know Zach, he probably told him about his crush on me and now that we're "almost dating" or whatever, he must be feeling like he was betrayed.

From all the time I spent with him in the past, I know very well how he'll react when he sees Harvey. He will act tough and pretend it doesn't hurt him and that he doesn't know anything about all this.

I see Harvey sitting on a table and have a small debate with myself about whether I should go or not. Then I see Zach walking fast in his direction. I think it's better for me to stay over here

I put my hood on so that he can't see me and I observe from where I am.

"Sup" Zach says nodding his head

"Nothing much" Harvey gulps. He knows what's going on "you know, just having lunch"

"I have a problem"

"What is it?" he says pretending not to know what he's talking about

"So, the girl I like is dating some idiot"

"Oh really? Who is the girl you like and who is the idiot?" Harvey asks

"Don't play stupid, Mills. I had told you before, the girl is Bexley and the idiot is you"


"Yeah, 'oh'. She was mine, you asshole! I thought you were my friend" Zach says crossing his arms "and I told you. I thought you would help me, and now you're dating her"

"Well... we're technically not dating yet" Harvey says as he lets out that nervous laugh

"Do you think I even care about that? The point is you were my friend and I thought I could trust you, but I was wrong. I should be dating her, not you" he says with a huge frown and his eyes full of hatred "you don't deserve her"

"Woah. At least I didn't play her like you did" Harvey tells him. He's dead. That's Zach's weak point apparently

"Don't even dare to say that" he answers angrily "you're not as innocent as you seem to be"

"He's right. You played me..." Ava states getting close to them. Not Ava, please, she's just gonna make this worse "or should I say 'used me'?"

"Well, well, well. If it ain't Ava Myers, the girl who used to be obsessed with me"

"Get over yourself, dumbass" she replies

"You played her, Mills? That's so wrong!" Zach exclaims pretending to actually care

"Do I have to remind you that you played me as well?" She replies

"Wait. Did I? Because according to me I never did?"

"You did" she says

"I think you're mistaken. The fact that I tried to treat you nicely even after you stalked me and went absolutely nuts for me doesn't mean I played you. I was friendly to you but I never tried to date you, so would you stop spreading rumors about me? Thank you very much." Zach says rolling his eyes at her

"Don't roll your eyes at me, Zachary Hayes" she  demands

"Can we talk about this some other time?" Zach insists looking at her "Geez, I thought we were here to face the traitor, not me!" he sighs

"You're an asshole, Zach. Did you know that?" she tells him

"Yes, Ava. I'm very much aware of that" he says trying to stay calm "so, Mills..."

"It's funny how Bexley hurt you and you still ran back into her arms" Ava says. Harvey looks down at the floor apparently believing what she's saying

I won't let this liar get away with this "what did you say about me?" I say going up to her "say it to my face" I demand

"You are playing Harvey" she says crossing her arms "But it's fine, he deserves it" she states rolling her eyes at him

"You're so wrong" I tell her

"Oh, am I? Didn't you run away and went see your friend, who happens to be a guy?" then she notices a weird look on my face "wait... you forgot to tell Harvey about it?"

Harvey looks at me like he's very confused with all that's happening

"Yeah. You're right. I did go with an old friend, but that doesn't mean anything" I cross my arms

"But you guys slept in the same bed!" she insists

"Wait. You guys... slept together?" Harvey asks me trying to process what he just heard

I notice a really sad look on his face "you're going to believe her without hearing what really happened?"

"Then tell us..." Ava crosses her arms "what really happened?"

Harvey storms out and I can tell that he's very hurt. "For goodness sake, just leave me alone! Geez. This is exactly why you have no friends!" I tell Ava and then head out the door and go after Harvey.

I go out the door and see him once again in the hallway with his head in his hands. Just like the first time we ever talked.

"You okay?" I ask him

He looks up and fixes his gaze on my eyes "it's all falling apart, Bexley. Haven't you noticed?" He looks down at the floor "I really like you but you don't seem to want to be with me"

" you're saying it's my fault" I imply with a surprised look on my face

"Well... yes" he answers

Harvey's POV
I really really like her. More than anything. I want to be with her. But her sleeping with another guy? Why? Why did she do that? Is it considered cheating? No, maybe not since we're not exactly dating... And why didn't she say anything about it? Well... would I have wanted her to tell me? Yeah, yes I would have.


"But you know what? It's fine if you don't want to be with me" I say with a straight face. I try to pretend it doesn't hurt

"Yikes... I don't know what to say..." Bexley says sitting down next to me

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