Chapter 22

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Max's POV

"I miss Bexley" Hana says

We're at the park. I'm sitting on the grass and she's laying her head on my lap and we're eating some snacks

"Yeah. Me too" I say

"Do you think she'll ever come back?" she says like she's very nervous or scared

"I hope so"

"I mean, I'm such a terrible friend" she says facepalming herself

"Oh no, you're not. Don't say that" I say tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear

"Yes I am. I should've talked to her. She must have felt really lonely to leave. Like, yeah, I was mad at her because she liked you and because she didn't tell me anything about her crush but she must have known how mad I would get"

"It's fine"

"No it's not, Max. She was scared of me. You shouldn't be scared of your best friend. A best friend is supposed to be there for you and that's exactly what I didn't do" she whines and puts her head in her hands

I can tell she feels terrible. And I can tell she's starting to cry. She sniffles

"It's going to be okay" I reassure her while holding her hand

Then she looks at me for a few seconds and bursts out crying

"I want her back. I want her back right now" she groans

"Then let's text her. And let's tell her how we feel and that we miss her like crazy. Maybe she'll actually answer this time"

"Okay. Let's do that"

So we both text her on that group chat we created about two months ago when we had all just become friends

Logan's POV

I know how much Bexley cares about that boy. I can feel it. As much as I want her here, I know she has to go back. She just has to.

"I love this video. It always makes me laugh" she says while handing me her phone "watch it till the end. I'll be right back" she says laughing

I can't really pay any attention to the video because I keep seeing the notifications show up on her screen. Then I "accidentally" tap one that looks interesting and it leads me to a group chat

Study group :)


We miss you

Pls come back

I need you
I'm sorry for everything
I was so stupid
I swear I just want u here with me pls :(

We really do need you
Hana cried bc she misses you
Not that you care
But she cares!
I mean
We care! Well ya get me

I messed up
Harvey is sorry too
He didn't mean to like fr
I don't know why he's not saying anything but he misses you too please we all need you please just come back

I can tell her friends care about her. But why is that Harvey boy not writing anything? That's the thing I don't understand. Anyhow, I can't stay quiet and not do anything

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