Chapter 39

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Harvey's POV

"Bexley is a special girl, Harvey." Ms. Bryant says

"I know"

"She's been through many things. She's strong. I don't know if you know this but her dad left us about 3 years ago. Anyway, back to what truly matters..." she sighs "I care about her more than I care about anything. She might be saying that I'm never home, and she thinks that's a good reason to defy me. She probably tells everyone that her mom is never there, but I love my kid. I truly just want the best for her."

"I get that."

"I know you two are dating, and she likes you too much. She's in love. And you seem like a good guy"

This may or may not be a good signal. It could actually mean something good. Maybe she's actually starting to like me. But I am pretty sure that was follows is a "but".

"But" she chuckles "about a year ago, there was this one kid she used to be so in love with. He was a straight A student, very polite, very kind with her, he was also pretty good looking. Actually, her mom is one of my best friends. They had so much in common"

"I'm sorry... where are you going with this?"

"I don't doubt the fact that you seem like a great kid, however, honestly, I don't want her dating boys just now. He broke her heart and wouldn't really talk to anyone, I had never seen her so sad. Her and I have had many arguments about this. I found you lying with her on her bed, and I know you're the reason why she ran away that one time"

"Wait. You know about her running away?"

"Of course I know. What kind of mom would I be if I didn't? I feel like she's probably a little too into you"

"Look, Bexley and I have been through many things together. I really like her, I do, and I wouldn't do anything to hurt her-" I know, technically I have, but never intentionally.

"I don't doubt that. But I don't want her focusing on boys. It's kind of a distraction to her, she's trying to keep her mind off problems and off everything that happened regarding her dad's departure and me not being near, and she might just end up getting hurt."

"How can you be so sure about that?"

"I know my daughter, Harvey, even if it doesn't really look like it"

I stay quiet and just nod. What does this even mean? What am I expected to say?


I go back home and when I'm getting in bed, I get a text from Bexley

Was she too hard on you?
Are you mad?
You told me you'd tell me what happened later

Nothing happened


She only told me how much she cares about you and all that

I'm not sure what to say to her. Telling the truth would probably do nothing. I don't know what follows after what her mom said. I don't want to give up on her, but I feel kind of pressured by her to do so. I don't want to feel like this.

Bexley's POV

"Mom, something happened. Something that he won't tell me about. What is it?" I ask her

"We talked. That's it"

"Why are you both trying to lie to me? Of course something else happened. What is it? What did you guys talk about?"

"We talked about how much I care about you"

"That's not it. Tell me what you told him. Or what you think about him. Something!" I say desperately.

"He seems... nice... but Zach was so perfect for you, yet he broke your heart and I bet you can remember what happened after...  now imagine what would happen if the same thing happened with Harvey"

"Why won't you accept the fact that I'm happy"

"Because he's only brought trouble for you"

"No he has-"

"I'm sorry, you can't date him. I know how this will end" she says crossing her arms

"You don't get to choose who I date"

"As a matter fact, you shouldn't even be dating right now"

I try to fight, I try to stand up for myself and to tell her that I want to be with him and that I need him to be near me, but the words don't dare to leave my mouth, and tears start flowing instead.

"This is so unfair" I whine and run to my room with tears rolling my cheeks.

I know that technically I could sneak out and be with him, and spend time after school, or at least be dating him at school, but I feel pressured. My mom doesn't usually have much influence in my decisions, but this time, she's getting in my head.


I get to school the next day and forget everything my mom said. I'm trying to focus on making it work despite what my mom says. I see Harvey hanging by the lockers with some of his friends, and I just pull him near me and give him a kiss. His friends start muttering things and smirking at him.

He pulls away and looks at them, like he's ashamed or something, and then they look at me and I say "oh, I'm sorry" and leave.

Harvey's POV

I can't stop picturing her mom looking at us and telling me to stay away from Bexley. It's not that I don't want to kiss her, it's just that it feels wrong, even though I know it's not.

My friends look at me and I look back at them as Bexley leaves.

"Why did you do that?" One of them asks

"I... don't know."

"She's still your girl, isn't she?" Another one asks

"Yeah. She is. Sorry... I gotta go after her" I say and run after her.

Bexley's POV

I hear Harvey yell my name, I turn around and tell him "I was just trying to make this work. I know what she said to you. And you know what? I don't care" I lie. I gotta admit I sort of care "Now tell me, do you care?"

He doesn't say anything

"That's what I thought"

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