Chapter 43

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Hana's POV

"Hey, Hana. I saw what just happened... are you okay?", he says and puts a hand on my shoulder and pulls me close to him.

"I'm so sorry for having treated you like I did. How can you still come near me after how I must have made you felt?" I tell him.

He grabs my hand "Cause I'm still your friend, and that's what friends are supposed to do, be there for each other"

"But I was a total idiot, Max. I wasn't even nice to you, I regret having been so rude to you"

"Listen, if we're gonna talk about regrets, then I regret having broken up with you"

"You do?"

"Yeah. I mean, Hana, honestly, I fell in love with you ever since the day I met you. I've been missing you like crazy."

"Oh yeah, Bexley told me that"

"She did?"

"Yeah... why did you still not approach me?"

"You were with Logan... "

There's an awkward silence. "I don't like him, Max"

"Then... what are the tears for?"

I wipe a tear off my cheek "just... everything... you... him. I don't wanna sound desperate or anything. I don't know if this will sound like that but... I don't like him. I swear I don't. And I'm not saying this because I'm desperate to get back with you, I mean, it's not that I don't want to, but I don't wanna make it look like I jump from one guy to another" I gulp and try to catch my breath, "I don't even know why it ever even occurred to me that I liked him, or that I wanted to date him... all I wanted was to be with you and I-", he just nods and I smile "I don't even know how you can be such a great listener", I laugh, he just intertwines his fingers with mine. How I wish we'd never even broken up.

"I don't believe you're jumping from one guy to another... you just did that to try to make me jealous, didn't you?"

"Yeah. I did" I chuckle, "How stupid"

"It's not that stupid, I mean, you did it to try to get me back. I guess I'm pretty unforgettable", he laughs and winks at me.

I roll my eyes at him and then give him a smile, "don't be so cocky, Max... but okay yeah, I guess you're right"

"So you didn't like Logan?"

"I thought I did at some point, but my mind just kept going back to you"

"Then come back to me", he says.


"I'm saying that we should get back together", he leans in and his lips touch mine. "Let's be like we used to in the old times"

He kisses me again, "Oh, this is so like the old times"

"So what do you say?"

Bexley's POV

"So you two got back together?", I ask her with my eyes wide open.

How? Why? I mean, not why, but how? Why is everything so easy for her? I mean, I'm happy for her, but how is she so good and so lucky when it comes to these things.

"What's wrong?"

I sit down and look at the floor, and then at Hana, "I'm gonna be completely honest, I am so... jealous!" Then I stand up and give her a hug "But at the same time I'm so happy for you! This is amazing!"

"I know!"

"But wait... what about what you said you felt for Logan?"

"I was confused... like yeah, I'll admit that he's pretty good looking, but the feelings just aren't there", she carelessly shrugs.

"So you two broke up and then you got back together with Max... in the same day?"


"What did Logan say about that?"


Honestly, it's been a pretty long time since I last talked to Logan, last time I checked, he liked me, but now... yeah... it's apparently all changed, so I guess that means I can talk to him as just a friend. I wanna know the whole tea. I wanna know all the details. It's been over 2 weeks since Harvey and I broke up, and yes, I'm that bored.




Oh hey


Heard you and Hana broke up


Oh yeah

Come to my house. I know you wanna know everything

Just come


Ok be there in 20


"I broke up with her. I mean, it was somewhat so stupid.", he remains quiet for some seconds, "Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's back with Max"

"Okay, good. Like, why did we even start dating in the first place? She literally came up to me like 'hey Logan, I like you, let's date'. She was dating Max, wasn't she?"

"Yes, she actually started dating you not so long after they broke up"

"I see... look, honestly I wouldn't have just wanted to go up to her and tell her that I didn't feel that way about her and that I never had if I had known that she legit liked me. I feel like we both kind of saw dating as an escape... from like... the things hurting us and stuff"

"What things?"

"Well, you see how you just said that it hadn't been so long since she had broken up with him that we started dating?" I nod, "And do you remember that one time I said I wasn't into you?"


"I was actually very much into you. And she was definitely not over Max. But we were trying to keep our minds off you... or at least that's what I think we were doing."

"And did it work?"

"It worked for her. Maybe not the way she planned it, but she's back with him, and she's happy... but now it's just you... what about you? I heard you and Harvey are over"

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