Chapter 42

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Harvey's POV


"Okay..." I say.

She looks at me for a couple seconds like she's struggling to get the words out of her mouth. "I... we... we should..."

Just say it.

"We should break up", she says really fast.

"What?" I tell her pretending not to have heard her.

"Harvey" she sighs "I think we should break up"

Oh, so she really doesn't care about our relationship...

"Okay." I tell her with a shrug.

Bexley's POV

Okay? That's all he's gonna say?

"You're not even gonna ask why?" I ask him.

"I don't think it's necessary. Honestly, this shows me you weren't even happy with what we had..."

"I liked what we used to have... but this... isn't it"

"You didn't even try to save the relationship!" He exclaims.

"What do you mean? I literally did so many things to keep this going..."

"You told your mom we had broken up, and you've been avoiding me everyday for the past week or so!"

"I told my mom we were over because I didn't want her to keep saying I wasn't allowed to date you and stuff. And it's not like you haven't been avoiding me as well... all the time" I say rolling my eyes.

"Okay, maybe I have, but I just- no, you know what? Forget about it." I say and start to walk away. "We are over, that's all I know"

Harvey's POV

I slam the door closed when I walk home. Max looks at me. He's sitting on the couch. "What?", I ask him annoyed.

"You broke up with her, didn't you?"

"You mean she broke up with me? Then yeah, she broke up with me."

His face shows no emotion. "How did it go?"

"Hang on... it was you." , he raises his eyebrows, "You told her to break up with me, didn't you?"

"I didn't tell her to do it, I mean, I may have given her the idea, but I didn't push her. I just felt like it was for the best. You two would've kept this whole thing going for ages!"

I frown at him, "not everything is for you to fix, you know? You're always trying to fix my problems like they're yours instead of actually focusing on your problems. Why try to break me and her up, huh? Were you really that jealous? Is your life without a girlfriend really that boring?"

"I was just trying to help!"

"Well...  you did exactly the opposite"


As I'm sitting on my bed, looking down at my phone, low-key wishing I'll see a text from Bexley pop up on my screen, Max walks in and says "Hey"

"Hey. Listen, sorry for what I said earlier. I just am so... stressed"

"It's okay. You're right, I shouldn't have intervened"

"Maybe not..." I sigh "I just... still wanted to be with her"

"She needs time, Harvey. Give it to her. Maybe then she'll come around"

"Yeah... you're right." I tell him and then he smiles and walks away. "But, Max. What did she say about all this? Why did she want to break up with me?"


I see her at a distance in the hallway. She turns around so as to avoid seeing me. Max told me some of the things she told her about how she felt about me. What an idiot I was. She was actually trying to save our relationship and I just messed it up.

Hana's POV

As I'm hanging by the lockers, I see Max talking to some girls I've never seen him talking to before. One of them definitely has a crush on him. She has a crush on Max... my Max. Except... he's not with me. He's free to do and to date whoever he wants. That thought makes me sorta sick. He looks over at me and notices me glancing. He smiles, the girl gives me a dirty look, I look away. I stare again. He catches me staring once more, but this time I hold my glance and give him a small smile. It kinda takes me back to those days when we were dating. I see him approaching. He's approaching. He's so close... and then... Logan appears in front of me.

"Hi" he says, not even looking me in the eyes. I try to look for Max. He's looking at me. "Look, this is kinda hard for me to say, but I can't do this anymore. And let's be honest, you don't even like me"

"I do. I have feelings for you" I tell him and then look back at Max. He's standing still, watching everything happen.

"Hana, please, you don't and you know I don't either", he sighs. "I tried, but I still don't. And look, I know you like Max. I can tell by the way you were just staring at him. You can go back to him. We both win"

What a dick. He's somewhat right, I'm not completely over Max, but I think I do like Logan... or... not? What the hell is this? I open my eyes really wide so as to avoid crying. I hate being such an emotional person.

"So... do you really wanna break up?" I ask him while a tear comes out of the corner of my eye. I wipe it off "Damn it", I mutter.

"It may be for the best. Don't you think?"

Yeah, maybe he's right. But what if Max doesn't want me anymore? But what if he does? I take a deep breath and look him in the eye "Yeah, you are right". I'm doing my best not to cry as I walk away, but as soon as the bell rings, I burst out in tears, and then, Max puts himself next to me.

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