Chapter 14

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Bexley's POV
Harvey gets his hand close to mine and touches it. I can't do this, at least not now.

"So, aren't you all done with studying and stuff? Cause I am!" I exclaim as I low key get my hand away from his "besides that, I need to go because my mom said I had to be back before 8.
"We can't leave yet, Bex" Hana said pleading me while she held Max's hand
"Oh it's okay if you want to stay. I just... I gotta go. See you at school tomorrow guys" I say, pick my things up and head out of the room

Harvey's POV
After a while, Hana left. Now it's just me and Max, I see her get out of the room and hear the front door close. I feel a tear forming in the corner of my eye

"What's wrong, Harvey?" Max asks me
"Bex..." I start saying looking down at the floor "she didn't want me to hold her hand. Maybe she doesn't like me" I say with sadness in my face
"Maybe she wasn't in the mood" Max says shrugging "what did you tell her when you two went outside?"
"I told her how amazing she is, and I told her that I liked her"
Max interrupts and says "Oh that's good!"
" a friend" I finish saying
"No, you didn't" Max says getting angry
"She doesn't like me anyway" I say looking at him
"Well, you certainly messed up by saying that you liked her but as a friend. You friend zoned her yourself!" He face palms himself and rolls his eyes
"I admit it, i did mess up but it's not just that. I think she... i think she likes you" i say kinda worried but mostly disappointed
"Why would you think that?"
"I saw the way she looks at you"
"How does she look at me?"
"Like... I don't even know. You know I'm really intuitive and something tells me she likes you. Like, why did she get out of the house when she saw Hana and you hugging, or why did she look hurt when you held Hana's hand? Max, open your eyes, she clearly likes you. That's why she left!" I say as I shed a tear "but maybe, I should move on, right?"
"No, Harvey, you can't give up that easily"
"I'll think about it" I say as I lay on my bed

Bexley's POV
*the next day*
I don't wanna think about Max and me ever again, why torture myself by thinking something will happen when it won't?

I am walking to go get my things from the locker and then I see Hana and Max holding hands and apparently having a nice and very cute chat. Ugh.

"So what exactly is the deal with my brother?" Harvey tells me appearing behind me
"What the hell do you mean?" I ask annoyed and smashing my locker closed
"You know, I see the way you look at him. Do you like him? Cause it looks like you do" he says
"What? No! Look, why do you even care anyways?" I say even more annoyed than before and crossing my arms
"Chill, you're usually not that rude"
"And you're usually not that nosey" I shrug "tell me, why do you care?"
"Uh... no reason" he says
"Sure" I say skeptical "or is it maybe that you like me?" I put my fingers on my lips and then put them on his to tease him. Then I laugh and start walking away

I really don't know what's wrong with me right now. Why am I teasing Harvey and simply being such a... such a bitch? I don't like to be rude but this one time I'm really done with everything. I'm actually slowly falling more and more for Harvey but I can't trust my instincts when I feel like he likes me. Specially when he said he liked me but as a friend.

Harvey's POV
Bex has been acting all weird for about 2 weeks, I know I might have seemed nosey but I was just trying to find out whether he liked my brother or not and then, when she put her fingers on her lips and then put them on mine, wow, that felt really good.

"Bex... I" I start saying but then i hear Zach talk to my brother

Bexley's POV
I hear Harvey say something to me but I get distracted when I hear Zach's voice

"Max" he calls his name as he goes up to him
"Uh... what do you want?" he says kinda nervous
"Cheating on Bexley, are we?" Zach says looking very angry
"Huh? You're dating Bexley?" Hana says very upset while letting go off Max's grip
"No, listen, Hana" he says worried
"Wow, Max, such a good guy, I thought you were different, but you're just a player, just like any other guy I've ever fallen for" Hana says leaving with tears rolling down her face
"Yikes, okay, look Zach. Bexley and I are not dating. We only told you that so that you would stay away from her, that's it, but it never meant anything to me. I don't even like her, I never did. Hana is the only girl I like" he says and then runs after Hana

I look down at the floor because I don't know what to do, how to react to that. I actually thought it meant something to him. I know I said I'd move on but moving on doesn't mean you can make your feelings disappear. I turn around, still looking at the floor and try to calm down. I know I look hurt and it looks like I'm about to cry. I look up and see Harvey standing a few feet away from me and looking just as hurt as me. I try to say something to him but words won't come out of my mouth.

"So... you do like Max" he says as he nods, turns around and leaves me in the hallway alone

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