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she had just wanted 

to talk.

to talk

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somi frantically searched through her bag. loud crunching of papers and notes from her black nike bag. droplets of cold sweat trickled down her forehead.

how could she have forgotten her pencil case during her exams?

somi peeked at the boy next to her.

hood down only showing glimpses of his rosy red hair.

"excuse me, may i please borrow a pen?" somi said tapping his arm gently.

as the boy turned to face her, her eyes widened. he had golden sun kissed skin, freckles lightly covering his face and eyes that were deeper than the ocean.

beautiful, was the first thing that came into her mind.

he let out a small hum as he passed his brand new black pen to somi.

lee haechan. 

the boy who always sat by himself with his headphones in. the boy everyone thought they knew but didn't really know.

that boy was a mystery case waiting to be solved.

everyone thought that he was a perfectly normal teenager that craved being alone instead.

because, that's how looks were the ultimate deception.


"how did you go in your test?" renjun asked.

somi shook her head pouting.

she was sure she flunked that test.

"if only i didn't forget my pencil case, i would have been more organised and prepared. i fucked up badly and i didn't even finish my test," somi groaned taking a large bite out of her sandwich.

"wait, so you asked the lee haechan for a pen?" renjun widened his eyes.

somi just merely nodded not thinking of anything else but the low mark she would receive in two weeks.

renjun could not believe it. haechan didn't tell him about this.

renjun took one of her purple grapes and plopped it in his mouth.

"hey! those are my grapes!"

"and that's my sandwich."

somi groaned loudly before finishing renjun's ham and cheese sandwich.

"hi, can i have my pen back?"

there stood, haechan, standing in all his glory.

even his voice was like melted honey on a cold winters night.

as she made eye contact with him, she tried to chew her food as quickly as she could. somi gulped noticeably and fished out the pen in her bag and quickly returned it to him.

"sorry, it must have slipped my mind."

"you can keep it if you want. now that i've realised you might need it for the rest of the day."

somi mouthed a thank you.

she was too nervous to say it out loud.

haechan smiled back and began to walk to his table.

"hey, um."

haechan paused before turning back to somi.

"do you want to sit with renjun and i at lunch sometime?"

renjun nudged her arm puzzled.

he let out a low chuckle making the hairs on her arms stand tall.

haechan nodded his head ever so slightly that made somi's lips twitch upwards a little.

but he didn't notice that,

what he did notice was somi's uncontrollable beating heart.

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