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looking like a fashion show.


to somi's expectations, things had remained the same. however, haechan did the worst thing.

the present was placed back on somi's desk when she had walked in.

even if it tugged on his heart strings a little, a letter wasn't going to make everything disappear.

a letter wasn't going to change his illness.

haechan had shoved two painkillers to relieve his throbbing headache. although painkillers were now like breathing oxygen,


otherwise he suffocated.

however, as he tried to take another one, the empty bottle dropped to the floor.

he needed a new supply,

from a person he despised.


"hey! do you want to come to haechan's house today? we're throwing a party and only cool people are invited," mark smiled.

he had seen somi walk around school for the past few days with her head down. so had haechan so he decided to play a cliche.

"why would haechan want me to come?"

"haechan's been really distant lately and i want him to feel happier. and i know the only time where he smiled and laughed was with you," mark uttered.

it was partly true.

he hadn't seen haechan that happy ever since he met her.

"no, she's not going to that crazy maniac," renjun had butted in the conversations with jaemin and jeno trailing behind.

"wow, out of all the people, the pure boy huang renjun says that," mark mocked him.

"she's not going. that's final."

"why don't you tell her the reason instead of being a coward? because your side of the story actually doesn't match up?"

mark breathed out heavily. he was sick and tired of playing these games.

donghyuckie ❣️
eid ot ginog m'i ekil leef i.
where are you?

he fumbled with his phone almost dropping it.

"um, i have to go like now. family emergency and somi, don't listen to him and come tomorrow at like 6! don't bring your uncool friends," mark had shouted sprinting out of school.

"okay," she whispered ever so faintly.

"you're not actually going, are you?" renjun had asked seriously.

she shook her head before walking with renjun home.


because curiosity killed that cat.

a/n very short chapter more so a filler but i am in the middle of my end of year exams so hopefully i will be updating soon!

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