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"don't forget the tone i called you,
chant it like we always did,
hope we always feel like,"

-dear dream nct

small creaks could be heard through the hallway. darkness. she could only trust the hand guiding her towards what she hoped was safe.

he gently tugged her in and closed the door, turning on the lights.

she looked around the room and it was like nothing she expected.

a small bed located on the side of the room, a pale yellow desk with neatly stacked books and pencils. bookshelves and photos everywhere.

"welcome to my cosy abode."

"it's not you."

he perfectly perched his eyebrow looking at the blank faced somi.

"it's nothing like you. are you just an act?" somi blurted out.

"not sure i follow, care to enlighten me?"

she cleared her throat before starting again feeling bile rise up,

"your room and personality don't match. you have photos of your family and friends everywhere, of me. not to mention that you said at the park you had a disruptive home."

"and i have to abide by your stereotypical ways? i have to follow what my room looks to my personality? do you want me to mess up by books and tear down these photos? and not to mention i said 'had'. because if you think i would do all this for you, you're just like everyone else."

haechan's eyes were different.

his chocolate brown eyes were now darkened to the point of becoming black. there were no sparkles in his eyes. his eyes narrowed as he placed his hands on his hips.

"like everyone el-"

"how dumb could i been to ever fall in love with you?" haechan whispered to himself.

"no! i - wait. let me explain," somi stuttered taking back her words.

her tongue curled up wishing she would have never said those words.

"why? you already have. just, leave."

it was the first time, haechan seemed genuinely hurt.

"i just wanted to know. you aren't the average teen. i didn't want to fall for you down a dangerous path. is that my fault?" somi began to raise her voice.

"trust. is that so hard to ask?" his voice began to crack.

"why did you like me in the first place?" somi chuffed.

"you were pretty and innocent."

she felt rocks being thrown in her stomach.

"you liked me for the way i looked?"

"oh please. give up the act, i only caught your eye because i was attractive to you. please correct me if i am wrong." haechan huffed rolling his eyes.

she paused to think. it was true.

"that wasn't why i liked you. you were different and smart and i wanted to help you."

he inhaled deeply,

"somi, you were my first for a lot of things. holding hands, hugging, confessing, consoling, drawing. i trusted you with every part of my body because i thought you were different. i thought you accepted me for me, not my looks, voice, intelligence or whatever. i hate people who want to try and change me. i'm already a broken record anyway."

"liar. it was with mark and everyone else but me, and you ask for trust?"

a silence rose in the room. crickets chirping at 2am.

"just leave. i'm so done with you."

he stood by the window staring out at the stars.

her posture slumped. every part of her body felt heavy.

but she just happened to have enough strength to slam the door.

and for the first time in years, a tear rolled down haechan's cheek.

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