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"body like an hourglass."

- mark lee nct

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"your special place is school?" somi looked at him oddly.

"people like me don't have cosy homes and privacy to go to unfortunately."

a low blow to somi.

"oh. i mean i wasn't meaning it like i'm condescending. it was just that i was surprised," somi stuttered looking at him worriedly.

"it's okay. it was just that i got kicked out of my house, you know? family called me crazy and a maniac. i'm really glad that i have a friend like you," haechan smiled.

a friend like you.

giggling nervously, she just nodded.

"you are not a maniac. far from it, i know it."

"thanks," he whispered just so softly that she could hear.

"hey! do- haechan! what are you doing here?"

somi turned to see a black haired boy running with such prominent eyebrows.

"mark hyung, i am with somi," he replied cool and collected.

"oh, shit. i didn't know. well, hey canadian buddy!" mark pursed his lips together.

"hello, mark oppa?" she said confused.

it felt weird saying oppa coming from her lips,

but made mark's heart flutter on the inside.

taking note of haechan's face, he cleared his throat.

"just call me mark, i prefer that."

she sighed feeling relieved.

"but, what brings you here, mark?" somi asked raising her eyebrows.

"promise not to tell?"

she nodded.

her eyebrows furrowed as he raised the miscellaneous object in his hand.



turning to haechan, she bit her lip.

"do you drink together?" she blurted.

"yeah. why not die a little earlier?" haechan said nonchalantly.

"do you want to try somi? it's fun," mark pushed a cup towards her.

"no, she won't do it anyways. she's just like water, pure."

suddenly, she felt a huge weight falling on her shoulders. she knew exactly what it was, peer pressure.

but she was just like one of those victims.

she didn't want to be a weak, puny girl. she didn't want haechan to think she was either.

so, all of the teachers telling her not to fall into those traps flew out.

instinctively, she grabbed haechan's cup and gulped down the burning sensation now in her throat. grimacing, she looked at their shocked faces.

"wow, i thought you knew better to not fall into peer pressure," haechan looked at her disappointedly.

but, secretly he knew.

he knew every action and words she would say,

just like an open book.

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