vingt neuf

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"sometimes the truth is better
than a long held lie."


"oh? i thought you obviously knew being mark's best friend and all," koeun responded confused.

"apparently not," he replied just as confused.

he stood numb.

not knowing how and what to feel.

"i'm really sorry," koeun whispered as she saw his fallen face.

"don't be! it's not your fault neither is it theirs or mine. i'm really fine."

koeun had heard it genuinely yet there was still a splash of forcible speech.

"i'll see you in bio. bye koeun!"

she had just seen his back walking down the corridor before she could even nod.

she looked back at the couple smiling and holding each other's waist not knowing what had just occurred.



"what do you mean you just told him?" renjun exclaimed about to pull his hair out.

"how did i told that mark didn't tell him? of course i thought he did!" koeun whisper shouted at him.

"well, shit. is he okay?"

"he looked fine. he didn't seem too affected by it."

"this can be a major trigger for him again. i'm going to check up on him," renjun said worriedly as he stood up from his desk.

lee mark. kim somi. what have you done?


"hey donghyuck!" mark waved on the way from taking somi to her class.

"hey, what are you doing here, hyung?" he replied back.

he desperately hoped that he could tell him.

he just wanted the truth.

"oh you know, i wanted to see my old teachers to thank them, you know as i got into seoul university."

at least it was partially the truth.

but donghyuck didn't know that.

"oh okay. well i have to go to class now so see you after school."

he tried so very hard to mask his emotions.

too many emotions were present in his mind.

he felt betrayed and angry that his best friend wouldn't them him and lied to him for how long. that somi would accuse him for being a crazy maniac that deserved to die yet her feelings were unreliable too.

yet he also felt happy for them to find happiness when he couldn't.

because if he couldn't find happiness, he was thankful that the two people he treasured the most found happiness together.

a/n sorry for not updating in so long! happy late merry Christmas! sad to think that this book is ending soon!

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