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"and they say, she's in the class a team,
stuck in her daydream,
been this way since eighteen,"
- ed sheeran

"ah bonjour! j'em appelle haechan," he gleamed looking ever so pleased with himself.

"we're in an italian restaurant, you twat," somi rolled her eyes.


she stared back.

he genuinely didn't know.

"oh my god! how on earth do you get 97% on your tests when you can't even distinguish two languages!" somi cracked up holding her stomach tightly. she fell back into her chair giggling.

her laugh was like music to his ears, not obnoxiously loud or the fake giggles in movies.

"you're such a dork," somi giggled in english.

haechan could feel his toes curling up. wanting to crawl up into a tight back and shut his eyes. heat radiated off his body, but of course his sun kissed skin protected him from all pink pigmentation.

so reluctantly he twirled the noodles into his mouth.


and they were in a cliche, once again.

on the swing set under the clear night sky with his jacket wrapped around her shoulders.


"hey! why did you take a photo of me?" somi squealed as she covered her face.

"moments like these should always be saved," haechan pecked her cheek.


they bickered and chatted until ten in evening with no worries.

"hey, i want to take you to my special place," haechan whispered.

"you're not going to kill me, are you?" she said drowsily getting out of the now warm metal seat.

"very funny."

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