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white walls are all i see.



"you know i can help you with this if you just let me communicate with you."


you just want my story so you can prescribe medications for me.

"i know it's hard for you."


it feels like the walls are collapsing on me with voices screaming in my head.

"but it can get much better."


because it never does.

"you don't have to blame it on yourself. you have all these people surrounding you like mark and even me from now on."


the rest all just betrayed me.

after many series of questions, the psychiatrist still never lost her patience. she remained calmer than anyone he had met.

it was the first person who didn't give up on him.

"i. i can't. you'll just make me wear a mask for the rest of my life pretending that life's all sunshine and rainbows. i don't want to experience that ever again," haechan decided to open up.

she smiled.

finally, we made breakthrough.

"never would I allow my patient to feel like that. opening up can give us more solutions to your pain. getting help is the first step of the way," she said gently placing her hand on his hand.

he remained silent letting the atmosphere become serene.

"don't call me a patient. it's such a dramatic term for my name."

"well, then. what is your name?" the psychiatrist said clearly intrigued.

he paused.

"i don't know."

a/n hope you all are still with me!
any suggestions on how to improve those book? all my tests are finished this week so that means i am more prepared for updates!

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