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his smile was so captivating,
i couldn't look away.

• • •

there was a strange aura in her room.


haechan's eyes crinkled scanning the whole premise.

white walls, massive bookshelves filled with all kinds of books. classics, fantasy, crime, non fiction and horror. the bed made with matching pillows and blankets, colour coded closets. everything was nice and orderly.


"better get this done and over with," haechan muttered under his breath.


"don't worry."

"nice room."

somi chuckled,

"not mine, it's the guest room."

oh, she's rich too.

haechan moved to sit next to somi. sinking into the bed, he placed his head on her lap.

automatically, her hands brushed through his silky locks of hair. his eyes started to close.

until he felt a stinging pain on his left cheek.


"you can't sleep when you were the one who wanted to hang out with me."

scratching his head, he rustled through his school bag.

a large book and a pencil.

"okay. i'll draw you."

somi's heart skipped seven beats at once. no one had ever drawn a portrait for her.

"just do whatever you want. i don't mind if you move around," haechan flashed a smile.

somi grabbed her all time favourite book rereading it for the hundredth time.

pride and prejudice.

his hand started moving quickly. eyeing her often, he started to notice her beauty.

how her hair cascaded effortlessly framing her face. her dark brown eyes with her plump lips. even without any makeup on, she looked beautiful.

the perfect match for haechan,
was sitting right in front of him.

because, people like him didn't care about what's on the inside.

they only care about what's on the outside.

because that showed external wealth and happiness.

he took out his phone and found the contact,

mark hyung.

- hey, i might be a while so don't bother picking me up.

[delivered 4:35 pm]

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