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can you feel the tension rising,
now you're getting it so close,


"oh my god."


there stood mark holding a bouquet of roses.

he immediately took notice how haechan was looking a lot healthier and fuller not deadly skinny and pale. he was wearing a shirt and shorts with very little to no scarring on his arms.

however for haechan, a tiny piece of haechan's heart lodged at the bottom wished it was somi instead.

there was a different level when it came to friendship and love. he learned to love somi through the weeks and not just her physical appearance.

he appreciated her patience for him.

he loved her efforts to get closer to haechan even though he tried everything to ruin her.

it wasn't naivety.

he believed that somi saw another side of him that not many people did.

"you ready to tell me everything now?" mark interrupted his thoughts standing there awkwardly.

"hey mark, go and sit down with donghyuck. i'll give you two a moment," chaeyeon smiled exiting.

"i'm sorry."

"i'm sorry."

both chuckling, haechan decided to go first.

"i'm sorry i had to put you through all of this complicated shit. from when i was around seven, my parents divorced. they never were alcoholics and drug addicts. they always tried to do the best for me."

"i'm sorry for that. but i thought you said your family kicked you out and they hated you?"

"white lie. guess i wanted to fit the stereotype as a mentally sick person. i left on my own accord."

"sorry," mark exhaled loudly.

"don't be. it's not your fault. anyways, ever since i was seven, my family never seemed happy and i guess i blamed myself for that especially seeing how young i was. there was always this guilt holding me down. that's when the voices came in my head and i got so many episodes and images. my parents had to purchase marijuana to make my migraines and voices disappear. and then, well, drug addict at age eight. add on four years and my parents couldn't afford it. so, i moved onto alcohol. so since i couldn't afford most things, my fake identity was made so i stole and ran."

mark couldn't lift his head up. this only made him feel worse. he was never there during his worst times and couldn't help.

haechan wasn't even a friend to him.

"also, i'm officially changing my name to donghyuck and not going by my nickname, haechan. that's the real me, not the little boy using a different name to purchase multiple drugs."

"good. i liked donghyuck better anyways."

mark clasped the bouquets in his hand. he contemplated for a mere second.

"these are from somi."

donghyuck smiled brightly.

she didn't forget him.

lavender roses; love at first sight.

hope you feel better, see you soon.
kim somi.

"can you tell her thanks?" he looked up at mark.

mark nodded and after a long time chatting, he left and waved goodbye.

as he left, he slid into one of the hallways clamping his heart. mark let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding.

haechan was a little brother to him,

and he was dating his little brother's lover.

a/n did anyone expect that? hope that clears up hyucks past!


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