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she was so desperate for romance,

that she started to fall in love

with strangers.


"mark! what took you so long?" somi questioned as she wrapped her arms tightly around his waist.

"had to visit my family friend. i'm really sorry, want to get coffee?" he smiled wrapping his arms around her back.

he didn't want to tell her that donghyuck had gotten better.

he didn't want to tell her that he pretended to be her for the roses he have given to donghyuck.

he didn't want to give somi back to donghyuck,

because for once in his life, he was experiencing a teen romance that didn't revolve around his best friend.

because the sun was put in darkness for multiple weeks.


"can i get one mocha and a oreo crush?" somi had asked the register.



donghyuck tapped his manager, taeyong. as he knew his situation, he let him go to talk to somi for a brief moment.

"hey. i work here now to get back on my daily lifestyle. i'm sorry for how i treated you back then. i was blinded by all my medications and disorder that i was so evil to everybody."

she pondered.

disorder? what was he on about?

"are you good now?" somi asked placing her hand on his hands.

the sparks were prevalent in only one side.

he nodded. he smiled.

"i have to get to work again but i really want to chat to you again so you understand completely. it's quite a long story so i have to invite jeno and the others. come to this cafe at around one tomorrow? i'll tell the others," donghyuck said as he wrapped his apron back on.

"one mocha and oreo crush!"

somi quickly thanked the extremely handsome worker and walked out with the two drinks.

"ah! my favourite! thanks som!" mark had grinned grabbing the mocha out of her hand.

somi slightly fluttered at the nickname.

"you know, i saw the weirdest thing today. lee haechan. was. working. in. that. cafe."

mark almost spluttered the drink out of his mouth.

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