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"one, two,
melatonin's coming for you.
three, four,
baby won't you lock the door?"
melanie martinez

• • •

somi felt her eyelids getting heavier. harder to open her eyes, her eyes almost rolling to the back of her head. occasionally, hearing the muttering between haechan and mark. it was faint but audible.

"i need the money."

"no. you didn't finish your part of the deal."

"well, how am i meant to if they are so fucking naive to the point where they make me go crazy?"

"your problem, not mine."

"please. you don't know how desperate i am."

she couldn't distinguish who was who and the words slowly became more slurred and died down before all she could hear was the wind blowing through her hair.


her back ached. every single part of her body was tense. her head pounded hearing each heartbeat. she could feel like the cold concrete pressing on her skin. wanting to badly move, she was an icicle. frozen. chattering teeth.

left alone in the middle of the school grounds.

unfortunately, haechan couldn't get back in time.

seeing a small silhouette groaning trying to get up, he cursed under his breath.

jumping in his spot, he started panting heavily.

distant footsteps became louder and louder.

"oh my god, somi! did you wake up? i went to go get clothes and food for you."

holding up a plastic bag and a large black hoodie.

"it's okay," she said feeling shivers run down her body.

"come on, i will take you home," haechan said grabbing her skinny arm.

just about to groan, she suddenly stopped.

"no! my mum and dad will kill me if i go home in the middle of the night."

he pondered but wrapped his arm around her waist anyways.

heading into the mysterious lights illuminating in the streets,

they quickly entered haechan's house.

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