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we all avoid risks in our lives,
so we can make it safely to our death.


"jeno lee!" mark yelled waving his hands around.

he turned around flashing his infamous eye smile.

it had been a while since mark and jeno talked. they had grown further away from each other.

ever since jeno took renjun's side and mark chose haechan's, they both didn't want to spill anything.

"hey mark."

"are you coming to haechan's party tonight?"

"don't think so. i didn't even get a present for him and i'm hanging out with jaemin and renjun today," jeno replied nonchalantly.

"best friend for eleven years and you aren't going to buy him a present? i know even though the whole situation is fucked up, it's the least you could do as a decent human being," mark tutted disappointed.

"come if you want. you know how chan has no one anymore. you guys are the only friends he had," he said as he walked down the hallway.

"and you aren't a friend?" jeno muttered underneath his breath.


"this was a stupid idea in the first place."

music softly playing in the background, white and blue balloons floated, snacks filled the table, a single cake in the middle with two digits stamped but with only two people in the large house.

11 o'clock at night.

"i'm so sorry hyuck," mark stared at his shoes not ever wanting to look up.

he flinched at the name.

the poor boy didn't deserve this.

he deserved everything in the world but just got pennies instead.

a tear rolled down.

"stop crying hyung. it's anything but your fault. you actually decided to stay with me. actually it might be your fault, why on earth would you stay with a lunatic?"

he felt his tears getting wiped off with haechan's long sleeves.

he popped a chip in his mouth as he brought a bottle of wine.

"well, i'm actually legal to drink so why not drown myself in alcohol?"

"happy eighteenth buddy," haechan whispered to himself before sipping the cool maroon liquid.

"high school musical marathon, donghyuck ah?" mark suggested attempting to cool the atmosphere.

he smiled back feeling content,

because unlike psychopaths,

donghyuck actually had feelings.


the night went by fast and was soon morning.

mark's arm laid loosely around haechan as he dug his face into his neck.

the tv screen still playing we're all in this together.

mark was as close to a family figure than anyone in his life.

he just wanted more people like that in his life.

genuine people.

thoughts on regular?
i actually didn't mind the line distribution. like it had a very potent beat w percussion so of course it would have tons of rap. when they perform it on stage, they probably spread the centre dist better!

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