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i don't know what it is true,
but this feels right so stay a sec.

• • •

funny how they were strangers a few days ago but it felt like they had known each other for years.

picture perfect.

haechan handed her the portrait. her hands gently trailed along the fine lines. not one detail missed.

"how? it's perfect."

his lips twitched upwards.

"you are."

somi immediately felt heat rush up to her cheeks.

haechan was smooth with his words fooling anyone that came close to him. before somi had a chance to say anything, a buzz interrupted.

she took out her phone to see a notification,


thanks for making me wait two hours for you not to show up.

she let out a yelp making haechan jump back.

"shit. i totally forgot about movie night," she huffed under her breath.

"injulmi? who's that?" a breath lingered on her neck.

haechan was now leaning on her shoulder peering over her shoulder.

"renjun. he's going to kill me because every week, we have movie night."

"because you were hanging out with me?"

somi nodded slightly pouting.

"it's okay, just tell him that i wouldn't let you go. he should understand if he's your friend," haechan reassured somi.

she pulled him into a tight embrace. haechan immediately getting a whiff of her vanilla and honey shampoo.

"thank you."

he simply hummed as he typed a short message on his phone.

mark hyung-

?rof siht od ot evah i od gonl woh

"what's that?" somi scrunched her eyebrows.

"this is how mark and i talk. we have our own secret language," he winked back.

"oh that's so cool!"

he laughed as he put his phone away. haechan sighed in relief as he covered it up effortlessly. he couldn't let his guard down around somi. he just became too comfortable.

the way his story he created could have taken a sharp turn.

he didn't want an ordinary boring relationship,

because boring had nothing to do with his life.

or was it just another story of girl meets boy,

that gets destroyed again.

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