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guess i'm just another play date to you

a/n things are about to get real messy.

his vision blurred. voices screaming in his head. tight pulses laced around his head.

"you have to get rid of somi, she's only causing you trouble."

"kim somi is the bane of your existence."

"or renjun, either one."

he cried out sprawled out on the floor.

haechan had heard the loud slam of the door opening with a panicked mark.

"oh my god. breathe. everything will be alright donghyuck."

his lungs were constricting his breathing. muffled and ragged breaths escaped barely from his mouth. tears dropped down to his burning cheeks.

it seemed to get worse.

it was different to all his other panic attacks.

"that's it. i'm calling the hospital. we need professional help," mark couldn't stand it anymore reaching for his phone.

his words slowly became distorted and hard to understand.

his vision blurred further as he started to get jolts in his body.

it was the most serious attack he had ever felt. the voices soon returned.

"get rid of somi, we will get rid of ourselves."

it was low and deep. many voices, both female and male.

as the short conversation was over, mark had bent over to haechan.

"it's okay. help is coming. you're finally going to get better."

and those words were enough to knock haechan out.

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