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"are you regular or irregular?"


"how did you survive detention with the devil?" renjun cackled pushing her slightly.

she just gave a small giggle.

"surprisingly odd. it was like he was on drugs."

renjun suddenly breathed sharply before regaining his composure.

"yeah, like where would he even get drugs from?"

she didn't reply and pondered.

haechan was probably just messing with me. he said renjun was my friend.

"i bought you gummies!"

snapping somi out of her thoughts, she grinned snatching it out of his hands. she skipped happily along the street smiling like a cheshire cat laughing.

she didn't recall seeing a body near her other than renjun.

quickly slammed into a body, she groaned as she got pushed back.

"oh i am so sorry! are you okay?" an awfully familiar voice rang in her ears.

as her vision cleared it was haechan.

it was full of concern and worries.

almost making her heart flutter.

"oh wait, never mind we just got a traitor and drama queen," he growled.

and her heart immediately ripped in two.

"watch your mouth," renjun glared.

haechan laughed. he couldn't believe the sight. oh how the tables have turned.

"i would watch yours instead. i don't think little somi would like knowing what you've done, would you?"

"a- and your drug activity is so much to brag about? as soon as you're off your drugs, you become insane and full of malice. you, are just a short term replacement for everyone. especially with all the drugs you've been taking, your life is shortening too," renjun retorted back.

"ouch. that hurt so much. you wouldn't know what i have inside my head. you don't know anything. so stop trying to fucking know what it feels like," haechan whispered brushing shoulders with renjun and taking a glance at somi.

"so stop trying to act like you do," he snarled more so looking at somi than renjun.

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