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psychiatrist: a person who watches everyone else when a beautiful girl walks in the room


week six

they always talked for hours to what felt like a few minutes. it wasn't trying to get haechan to talk about his life story and addictions. it wasn't about his family or friends.

it was just a nice conversation about their interests and hopes and dreams.

it felt like rekindling with somi again.

he almost missed her.

haechan also found out her name and age.  he was intrigued why she had never told her name until the last week of rehab.

chaeyeon. age twenty four.

"you know, there's a quote i always live by.

"being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise," by sigmund freud.

i tell you this because i don't want you to hide behind your mask. you should never feel oppressed. i've seen the real you. you are a bright little kid searching for happiness when in reality, you are your happiness."

to chaeyeon, it was the first time she had really connected with a patient. she had understood why people fell for haechan, but of course not in a romantic aspect but platonically.

"now, i am doing this because i think you are finally ready," chaeyeon had gotten up from her chair walking towards the door.

his heart started to race as he gulped awaiting the door to open.

a/n short chapter but much more to come! his progress in the book skipped because I have an idea!

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