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"i have so many personalities in me,
but i still feel lonely,"

• • •

"another hour with you again, that's so lovely," somi mocked entering the classroom.

to her surprise, there was no retaliation or snarky remarks. he sat in his chair comfortably listening to music.

"oh, hey somi," he glanced up before reviewing his science notes.

even with all the prejudice against haechan, he was undeniably smart. he had a science test coming up so he spent his whole detention studying.

unlike somi who was tapping her pen furiously, gritting her teeth waiting to get out of this room.

what if haechan said was true about renjun?

was our friendship just a lie?

"hey, do you have your science textbook? i forgot mine," haechan whispered trying to not get caught.

she handed the book brushing her hands on his.

haechan smiled mouthing a thank you.

he was oddly nice. it was like his whole personality changed within a matter of hours.

she just thought he was mere crazy,

but she didn't know about the little pills in the back of his pockets.

his world became quiet and soothing with those pills. his whole life relied on the pills and he knew he could only get them from one person.

that very person from his school.

"are you okay? you seem a little distressed," haechan raised his eyebrows worriedly.

"are you?"

he nodded grinning.

"never felt fucking better, what about you, princess?" he winked.

it was the first time he had given her a nickname like that. her heart clenched slightly.

"you made me feel terrible. is renjun actually my friend?" she pondered looking out the window.

"yes," haechan breathed out heavily.

just not a very good one.

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