vingt huit

564 34 0

"kids are still depressed
when you dress them up.

syrup is still syrup
in a sippy cup."


rumours and whispers flew around the whole school in just a few days.

all so curious for the now so called donghyuck, they wanted to know what happened.

donghyuck walked into the school corridors for the first time in months.

there was a sense of familiarity yet it still felt all so obscene to him.

"and i'm back," he whispered to himself smiling.

everybody looked in shock like in the cliche movies when the main character has a major transformation.

his hair had calmed down to a deep chocolate brown. he wore a tshirt that showed his light scarring of his cuts on his wrists with shorts that showed off his beautifully tan legs.

he had looked friendly. approachable. kind.

there wasn't any mysterious or evil glint in his eyes with his usual flaming red hair.

"hey donghyuck! how are you?"

he turned around to see koeun, his classmate and seat mate for maths and science.

"it's nice to be back and to see everyone!" he responded gladly.

he was happy that she had already adjusted to the name of donghyuck instead of haechan.

she was always nice to him. she was nice to everybody. he couldn't be wait to make new friends as soon as he got into the classroom.

"oh my god! it's mark and somi! he came to give her a lift! i ship! this is so cute!" a girl interrupted squealing grabbing her phone pushing past donghyuck and koeun who were in the middle of a conversation.

donghyuck chuckled as he forgot mark was extremely popular when he had gone to school. he was in all the clubs for dance, musicals, sound and lighting, student representatives and was school captain. it was only fate that he would still be popular after he had graduated too.

"wait. somi and mark are dating?"

a/n -
i'm making a q & a for all of the characters you are curious about so comment below and ask your hearts away!

this is also a good way if you need help understanding the story!

[not edited]

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