Chapter 6- Getting to know you

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*Issy's POV*

"Can I please get to know you?", he asked as he looked me in the eyes, sincerity pure in his voice. I looked back at him, then looked back down at his hand over mine, still resting gently on my left leg. His gaze was so overpowering. I felt like whenever he looked at me, that his green ones were piercing right into my soul, it's like he was looking for something in them. And in this case, the object he was searching for, was any indication of an answer. I put all of my swarming thoughts on hold, preparing to give Harry the reply he was looking for.

"I'll let you get to know me, only if you'll let me get to know you in return", I said quietly still not wanting to meet his eyes just yet. But when I did, he was smiling, dimples exposing themselves. He then looked at me as he removed his hand from mine.

"I'd love for you to get to know me", he said, the soft smirk still present. I smiled back at him, hoping my cheeks weren't turning the color they felt.

"But I wanna hear about you first", he said, turning fully around in his seat to face me. I nodded, repeating the same gesture he did, only a second ago.

"Okay", I said. Ready to tell this boy anything he wanted know about me as he was giving me his undivided attention.

"I can tell by your accent your not from here, where are you from?", he asked.

" I'm from America, I lived in
New Jersey before I moved here."

"What's your last name?".

" Laylitch."

" How about your middle name?"

" Beatrice", I said jokingly looking at him. I started laughing seeing his face after I told him.

" Harry I'm just kidding my middle name is Rose." But even if it was Beatrice, you cant jude, Edward." He laughed.

" Listen I was named after a very handsome vampire alright?" I laughed, as he continued to talk.

"Rose is a pretty name, where were you born?"

" I was born in New Jersey." He smiled.

"Nice, what's your favorite color?"

" Pink, but I also like any kind of neon colors."

" What music do you like to listen to?"

" A little bit of everything." He laughed.

" I listen to a little bit of everything too." I smiled, waiting for his next question.

" Favorite food?"

" Ugh, please don't make me choose Harry", I said as he chuckled beside me.

"Alright alright, how about dessert?"

"Umm, I like chocolate strawberries, and cheesecake, or even just a simple cake or brownie. My favorite ice cream is cookie dough though."

" Really?", he said. " I love cookie dough too." I smiled.

" Okay umm favorite drink?"

" Iced coffee." He put his hand up to give me a high five. We both laughed.

" We'll get along just fine", he said.

" Your going to college in the fall right?" I nodded.

" What college are you going to?"

" Imperial college in London."

" What are you going to be studying?"

" Criminal Justice, I'm trying to become a lawyer.

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