Chapter 101 - The Tattoo (s)

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* Harrys POV *

I ran my fingers through Issy's long curly hair as she slept, her head rested across my lap, her hair pulled back into a ponytail sprawled out across her shoulder, her chest rising up and down steadily as she slept in a peaceful slumber.

It was currently 8 am and I could not fall back asleep. Katie had woke up four times in the middle of the night. One time at 11, then 1, 3, then 5 to which I assured Issy that she rest and I tend to her. But since her crying as loud and Issy was a slightly light sleeper when it came to the morning, she woke up every time.

I knew that Issy had it rough when I wasn't here since she had no choice but to tend to her since I wasn't here, but now since I was here I let her sleep while I took care of her through the restless night.

I carefully got up, trying not to wake her as I watched Katie start to move which was her waking up through the wooden bars of her crib, slowly making my way out of Iss's bed, gently placing her head under one of the pillows.

" Goodmorning baby", I whispered to Katie, lifting her up out of her crib, smiling as she bit on her blanket that she had as I carried her across the room, placing a kiss on top of her forehead.

I then turned back around, knowing that I should wake Iss up since all three of us had to get ready. Issy would be coming with me to get my tattoo and we needed to get Katie ready so we could drop her off at Graces while we were gone.

" Cmon lets go wake mommy up", I whispered, watching as her adorable hazely green eyes looked up at me as I spoke to her, taking us to the side of the bed that she was sleeping on.

" Here, you wake her up she won't get mad at you if you do it", I whispered, lowering her body down, laughing as Katie grabbed onto one of Issy's cheeks, causing her to shift in her position, her eyes slowly opening, both of us watching as she let out a raspy giggle, rubbing her eyes with her hand.

" Hi sweetheart", she cooed, moving down the bed to make room for her, motioning for me to place her bedside her where she was laying down.

" Goodmorning baby how was your sleep huh?", she asked her, rubbing her belly as she played with her blanket.

" It was a bit rough but I made it thanks for asking love", I said sarcastically to her, earning an eye roll from her, as well as a thank you after I handed her one of Katie's rattles.

" Look babe", she said, waving it in front of her, her hands reaching for the rattle as Iss shook it above her.

" I'm gonna go take a shower and remember the appointment is at 10:45am", I reminded her, chuckling as she groaned.

" Why did you have to make it so early?", she questioned, her back still turned to me.

" Because we have something else to do todayyyy", I said, turning my head away from her to hide my wide grin. She didn't know I was taking her on a date right after I got my tattoo.

" Oh yea okay well I'll wait here and feed her before we leave and I need to make sure I pump enough milk because she's gonna be at Graces for almost the whole day", she told me, myself nodding, now making way into the bathroom.


" Who loves you more than anything in the world huh?", Iss cooed to Katie as she changed her into her clothes, myself lying across the bed next to Katie as I put on her booties.

" Heyyyy what about me??", I whined, earning a laugh from her as she lifted her up, giving her her rattle.

" You too silly do you have the tat design?", she asked me, earning a nod from me as I picked up the baby bag, walking behind her as we made our way down stairs.

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