Chapter 55 - I Love You

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Songs for this chapter

One Direction - Night Changes
John Legend- Tonight ( Best You Ever Had)

* Issy's POV *

I stood there for two minutes. Two freaking minutes had went by since Niall dropped me off outside the room Harry was in after the show. I was ready to do this, I was ready to go in there and poor my heart out to the man I love. But right now, I was just too pussy to do it. Part of the reason why is because I thought once I saw him, my mind would go blank and I'd forget what I wanted to say. And part of me was just scared that I'd be speechless the whole time. But I knew I couldn't let these potential possibilities hold me back forever, I had to do this. No I needed to do this, for us. So I went for it.

I took a deep breath, my mind trying to settle the thoughts of who I would see behind this door. This is the moment that I've been anticipating all week for, just wishing that he was somewhere close. He was now only a few feet away from me, and I couldn't even open it. This door was the only thing separating us right now, but I knew that would change as my hand thought quicker than my occupied brain, and knocked on the door.

" Come in", he said, his low, yet gentle voice threatening to bring tears in my eyes, that beautiful voice I haven't heard in so long being spoken through the door, causing my breath to hitch in my throat. Okay, this was it. Nobody, nothing else was gonna stand in the way of us, it's only me and him as soon as I open this door.

I slowly opended the door, and saw him. Only his backside facing me, while he was on his phone, sitting on the couch.

I stood there, watching as he turned around to see who had entered the room, and when he did, he did the most urbane double take I have ever seen in my life.

He dropped his phone on the ground as he stood up, his breathing evidently becoming shortened as his chest rose and fell at a steady pace, looking into my eyes from a distance with his mouth slightly a gape. The moonlight appearing from the window accentuating his features. My heart pounding louder and faster against my chest as his green emerald eyes gazed into my brown ones, both of ours now becoming filled with water.

" Issy", he said, almost breathlessly as if he couldn't believe it was me. " P-please tell me that I'm not dreaming and that your really standing in front of me right now", he said, his eyes trailing up and down my body as he stood there in utter shock. The little bit of sweat almost glistening against his half buttoned up shirt, his chest still heaving up and down as we stared at each other.

" I-It's me, your not dreaming", I told him, the tears in my eyes getting heavier as I saw one spill down from his cheek, engulfing me after running into my arms, immediately surrounding me in his warmth as we both sobbed into eachother's shoulders. Us both holding on to one another as tightly as we could, almost afraid as if the other would disappear.

He then pulled back a little from our embrace, smiling down at me, his hand rubbing against my cheek as we put our foreheads together, captured by each others eyes.

" Dont cry", I said to him, running my thumb against his cheek, wiping away a tear as it fell down his mesmerizing face.

" I can't believe it's you, I can't believe your here- I - Issy I'm so sorry, about-

" Wait", I told him, catching him off guard as I interrupted his sentence.
" This time I need to rant to you Harry, please", I whispered, watching as he nodded, his hand still holding my face as I prepared to speak.

" I don't want you to apologize for anything. Not for our argument, not for the letter, not for you leaving, nothing", I said, seeing there was slight confusion present in his eyes.

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