Chapter 78 - Leaving Home

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Song for this chapter

John Legend - All of Me

* Issy's POV *

Seeing my brother so hurt literally broke my heart, especially leaving its effect even more severely on me because it was done right in front of my eyes. I hated that Harry and I had to leave him tomorrow while he's still in such a fragile and hurt state, but Harry was right. All we could do was let time do the healing.

Matt was mainly alright for the most part. And I knew he appreciated the fact that Harry and I tried to make him feel as normal as possible, at least trying to get him out of his room. To which our benefit actually worked half of the time.

I was now lying awake in my bed, looking up at the ceiling as I let the soothing sound of the rain outside put me to sleep, but I've been doing that for half n hour and I still couldn't fall asleep. It was hard to find a comfortable position now with my bump. Not only that, but I was also so used to sleeping with Harry beside me, that it almost became foreign to sleep by myself. But he couldn't because my bed was small and he was like six feet, so the first night we tried it, he ended up falling off of the bed in the middle of the night.

I lightly laughed at the memory as it crossed my mind, before looking over to my bedside table, hearing my phone vibrate.

From Harry:

Hey love, are you still awake?, it read, making me smile, knowing that he was still up, now that it was almost about to be eleven pm.


Heyyy, and yes I'm awake, you could come in my room if you want , I suggested.


Okay, be there in a sec love, he replied, myself now locking my phone as I set it back down on the table beside my bed.

Almost a minute later, I heard a soft knock on the door, giving him permission to come in, smiling up at him as he closed the door behind him.

" Hey, I'm surprised your up", he said, sliding into the covers with me, smiling down at me as I wrapped my arms around his lower torso, resting my head against his chest now.

" I can't sleep, my back is hurting I can't really find a comfortable position....till you came", I told him, making him smile.

" Good I'm glad. Matt's been asleep since ten like and I literally was just laying there thinking about what happened. I feel really bad like it's my fault ", he said, playing with the ends of my hair, watching as I turned my head to face him.

" Harry she had a boyfriend. She knows we're together, there's no excuse. This is in no way your fault just because she made a move on you", I told him, watching as he looked down, slowly raising his head.

" So your not mad at me?", he asked me, watching as my mouth parted as he said those words.

" Of course not babe how could I be? I don't blame you for anything, none of this is your fault. Matt even told me how you thought that he blamed you for this and he doesn't at all. He blamed her for not being loyal. This wasn't your doing", I told him, engulfing his lips, feeling his hand resting on my lower back as I did, pulling his face closer to mine as the kiss deepened, before we both pulled away, feeling his hand rest across my back again, slowly rubbing it as I laid my head against his chest again, tracing the visible outlines of his tattoos under his plain white t-shirt with my finger.

" You should try to go to sleep again, we have to wake up early tomorrow for our flight back home", he told me, gently lifting me from on top of him, before carefully laying me back down on my bed.

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