Chapter 81- On A Rocky Note

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* Issy's POV *

" What do you mean you didn't find it?", Owen asked me as we walked outside through the campus parking lot.

" It wasn't there okay. And please do me a favor and don't write me any more notes. I'm in a pretty serious relationship right now and I don't want an irrelevant note to change that", I told him.

" It's only serious because you're having his kid and you know it", he said, making me stop in my tracks, sliding my bag over my shoulder as I looked at him.

" Owen that's not true. Our relationship would still be the way it is today even if I wasn't pregnant", I said, watching as he looked down, before speaking again.

" You don't know that, you want to believe that, but you will never actually know because you can't go back in time and change what happened"

" Why are doing this? If you really cared about me like you say you do, then you would let me be happy and back out of my relationship", I retorted.

" Where's the note Issy", he said plainly, ignoring my current statement.

" I told you I don't have it", I said back, watching as he shook his head.

" I know you don't, but I know you know who does, where could it have disappeared off to?", he asked again, a more forceful tone prominent to his voice.

" I-I don't know, and I probably won't ever so just leave it", I told him.

" Im not gonna leave it, so I'll just sum up what it said. Don't you ever think about how you could have a full time boyfriend?", he asked me, pulling me back as I was about to walk away.

" What? Full time what do you mean full time?", I questioned him.

" Don't you want a guy that you can see and be with everyday? Not one that comes back for a few months, then goes back on tour while she's pregnant. You can't tell me you haven't wished that you had a guy that could be with you everyday, instead of every other week while he's away", he said, causing me to roll my eyes.

" Oh my god, you put that in the note?", I asked, closing my eyes as I imagined Harry reading those words. "It isn't like that Owen. He does what he can to see me and he can't just not go, it's a world wide stadium tour. And I shouldn't have to explain anything to you, I'm perfectly happy with our relationship", I said.

" But Issy I could be here everyday for you, be with you anytime you wanted....without it being in a magazine. I could be that all time guy for you, if you just think-

" No! I'm not going to think about it, you and I will only ever be just friends, nothing more. I love Harry. And I can't believe that's what you wrote in the note, you better pray he didn't read it", I told him, now walking away to my car, grabbing my keys before hearing him yell out.

" Just remember Issy, the only reason this guy is still with you, is only because your having his kid! He could have any celebrity he wants over you!", he yelled from behind me, making me look back at him with my lips parted, before shaking my head as I walked away.


As soon as I got home, I slumped down on the couch , rubbing my hands over my face as I was still in worry about that stupid note. I sighed into my hands, before removing them from my face, watching as Harry walked down the steps, sending me a small smile.

" Hey babe", he said, pecking my lips, before taking a seat next to me on the couch.

" I hate whenever you aren't here, how was school?", he asked, now turning to face me.

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