Chapter 39 - The Visit

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Songs for this chapter are

Christina Perri - Arms

Bastille- The weight of living pt.1&2

* Issy's POV *

I was at the cancer patient facility, taking the little badge that they gave me as my ID to be in here. Dave and Em would be coming a little later, and all I could do as I waited for permission to go into his room is, was think if this was the last time I was going to see him.

About ten minutes later they told me I could walk in, so I grabbed my bag and food that I brought for him, sending the nurse a small smile as she held the door open for me, gently closing it behind as I walked in.

" Issy ", Jordan said smiling, elevating his bed as he watched me put the things I got him on the table.

" Hey, how are you feeling?", I asked, giving him a small hug before sitting down on a chair.

" Ehh I've been better, you know just been pretty weak, I can't even get up from this stupid bed without falling over", he told me.

" Oh, I'm sorry to hear about that. I thought you were doing better", I said, looking down.

" Health wise no, mentally yes", he told me, making me laugh as he sent me a wink.

" Well I brought you some stuff, I figured you must of gotten sick of eating this hospital food already", I said, going through the bag of stuff I brought him.

" Actually it's not that bad, I don't get tired of the food after the first time I eat it, I'm not like you", he teased.

" Haha very funny, okay I brought you some loafs of pound cake, brownies, pretzels, chips, soda, that monster drink you like", I said before he interrupted me.

" Woah woah Issy slow down you didn't need to bring so much", he said, looking over at the items.

" Yes I did, I brought grown ups on DVD, as well as fast and furious 6, and-

" Oh my god Iss please tell me the last movie you brought is mean girls", he said anxiously.

" Oh you wanted mean girls? Shit I brought titanic", I said, hoping he would fall for it.

" Oh, we'll that's okay I like that one as well"- he stopped mid sentenced as I bursted out into laughter.

" Just kidding! I brought mean girls one, and two", I said, smiling as his eyes went wide.

" Bless you Issy, bless you", he said, thanking me as I passed him a bottle of water, chips and pretzels, waiting for the tv to go to the main menu.

" They really hooked you up in here didn't they. You got a nice big flat screen, a mini fridge, microwave, and a great view" I said, taking one of the pretzels he offered me.

" Yup, did you see the toilet it's amazing", he told me, making me laugh.

" I'll have to check that out actually but you have a great place here", I told him, laying my head back on the chair, handing him the remote.

" So how are you doing?", he asked me, taking a sip of his water.

" Um I'm doing pretty well, the soreness I had this week is going away", I said, taking a bite of one of the pretzel sticks.

" Do you have a picture?", he asked me, looking over to me.

" A picture? You mean of the baby?", I asked him, seeing tears were filling in his eyes as he looked down.

" Yea I mean I wanted to see him, or her, if that's okay with you".......he said.

" Jordan it's okay yea I have a picture", I said, wiping my eyes as I put my purse in my lap, rummaging through it to find the envelope that the picture was in. Then handing it over to him once I found it.

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