Chapter 21 - See You Again

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* Issys POV *
The past three days felt so long, I was alone in my house, doing absolutely nothing. Jordan had not stopped by ever since our big argument. But, I knew that next week was his last week here, so I wondered what would happen, or if he would try anything.

Harry would be coming tomorrow for four days, and then he would have to leave again. But it was good because he gets to spend more time over here then he would of, if he had come like he planned before. I was so grateful that he wanted to spend his only few days off with me, I just still couldn't figure out why he would want to. I told him he could stay here, so he wouldn't have to waste money on a hotel, and he agreed. But that only made me more nervous.

It made me more anxious because, I was still debating mentally with myself if I should tell him about what happened with Jordan. But, its such a large amount of weight to handle, and I knew he wanted to know and he's been waiting so patiently, but I didn't want to put my damage on his plate. The last thing I wanted is for him to feel like he has to carry that on his shoulders. I couldn't help but think that, if I did up telling him, would his perspective and outlook of me change.

* Harrys POV *
I got out of my car, making sure I set on the alarm after locking it. I dragged my suitcase behind me, walking up the steps as I prepared to ring the doorbell. I was genuinely so grateful that she offered me to stay here, I really benefited from that because now I wouldn't have to spend money on a hotel. I had cancelled my plans that I originally had for the next few days, but I knew I wanted to see Issy more than doing what I had previously arranged. After two rings, she opened the door, letting me in. I kissed her cheek, smiling as she let me into her home. I put my bag down so I could properly hug her. And when we were held in our embrace, for the first time in about a week, I finally felt secure, and that feeling that I had thought about all the time, returning.

" How was your flight?....Again", she asked me. I laughed, walking behind her up the hard wood stairs.

" It was good, thank you for asking", I said, replying to her question. Once we were upstairs, she guided me to what looked like a guest room. The walls were plainly white with a painting hanging over the bed. On the left hand side of the room, there was a double sided window, with a single curtain covering each one.

" I know it's not the most exciting room in the house, but it was the closest to it I could find", she explained. I shook my head, understanding.

" No, it's okay, I like it actually. It's not too much, its just right", I said, laying my bag beside the queen sized bed.

" Alright, you must be hungry from all that flying, lets eat dinner", she said.

We had chicken, rice, and salad for our meal. It was really good, she honestly was such a great cook. I was now helping her dry the dishes as she was washing them.

" You know you really don't have to help, your a guest I can do it", she said, smiling to me as she handed me the now clean glass plate.

" No, I want to help, it's okay really. Plus I don't get to do dishes often, so it's kind of fun", I told her. She nodded, rinsing off a green cup. I smirked as she handed me the cup, thinking of an idea. I filled it with just a little bit of water, without her noticing since she was getting more dirty dishes to clean.

" Hey Iss", I said, while she was returning to her previous spot, next to me in front of the sink.

" Yea?", she asked, turning the water pressure more lower, so only a minimum amount would pour out through the fosset.

" Wanna know what else makes it fun?", I asked.

" What?", she questioned, glancing over to me as I spoke.

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