Chapter 47- Gone, Gone, Gone

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Songs for this chapter

Demi Lovato - Lightweight

One Direction - Same Mistakes

Philip Philips - Gone, Gone, Gone

* Issy's POV *

Reading over Harry's letter literally broke my heart into a million pieces. He felt that he would be helping me by letting me go and little did he know that, that wasn't the case at all, it made everything so much worse, if that was even possible at this current point. I blamed myself for all of this because I know he thinks he has to do this because of what I said at the hospital, and I now regretted saying anything to him out of my own pain. This is not what I wanted and it made me sick to believe he even thought that. He is always trying to do what's best for me. And at this point I had pushed him away to the level of separation. And now I just read a letter of him basically confirming our break up. Reading those words just completely shut me down as hard as I tried to push away any negative thoughts from it. I appreciate that he put his own feelings aside just to try and help me and his pure heart was in the right place, but us not being together would not help me at all in any way during this stage in my life.

* Knock Knock*

" Go away", I responded, not wanting to talk to anyone.

" It's Em", the voice replied, making me feel guilty as I said those slightly harsh words. I then sighed, sitting up in my bed, giving her permission to come in.

" Hey Iss", she said, giving me a small smile as she carefully took a seat on my bed, bringing me into a hug.

" Your mom said you have been in bed all day, she's starting to worry about you", she said, making me look down at my fingers.

" Have you been crying?", she questioned, studying my face as she took a closer look at me. I looked up at her and nodded, earning a sullen gaze from her.

" What's wrong why are you crying?", she asked me, giving me a confused look as I handed her the letter Harry left me. I had literally been in this room reading over and over it again to the point where I have memorized each and every word on that piece of paper.

I looked at her as she read over it, watching she frowned, sending me a sympathetic look here and there the further she read down, before handing it back to me.

" Issy, I-I don't know what to say I'm so sorry", she said, placing her hand over mine while fresh tears began to spill out of my eyes again.

" We had a really heated discussion in the hospital about us, and I was just hurt and I said a lot of things that should have not been said. I basically inferred that we should break up and he"- I made out before going into to complete full on sobs.

" Aw Issy I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry I wish that I could take your pain away I can't even imagine how difficult this must be on you", she replied, making me pull back from her comforting gesture as I wiped my eyes with my shirtsleeve, letting out a breath.

" He left without even saying goodbye. And that didn't stop him from practically confirming our break up", I told her, watching as she looked down, biting her lip, before looking up again.

" Issy to be honest, it doesn't seem like he wanted to. It seems like he's doing it for you. I don't know what you said to him but he's just trying to agree with you somehow, if that makes sense", she told me.

" Em, I appreciate how you try to find even a little factor of positivity in all of my situations, but Harry left, he left and he left that letter for a reason. If he wanted to be with me he would of done something to keep us together. But he kept it mutual and now we're done", I said, folding up back the letter.

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