Chapter 48 - Letting Go

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Songs for this chapter

Sarah Mclachlan - In the Arms of the Angel

* Matt's POV *

" Hello?", I asked into the speaker of my phone, taking a seat on top of my messy bed.

" Hey Matt it's Harry", the voice said, making my eyes widen a bit, becoming a little shocked.

" Hey man what's up?", I asked him.

" Nothing really, just got back from the show", he replied. " How is she?", he added.

" Why don't you go ask her yourself?", I remarked, causing him to let out a sigh.

" I can't, it's complicated, but listen please don't be mad at me my intentions were never to hurt your sister", he responded in a sullen tone.

" Aw man don't worry about it I know how you feel about her I already understand I'm not mad at you", I told him.

" Thanks for being sincere bro, I just was calling to see how she is, when does she come back home?", he questioned.

" Well she's okay she's going to the funeral tomorrow then later tomorrow night she's taking the early flight on Wednesday back home", I answered, making sure my room door was closed.

" Alright, you don't happen to know when her ultra sound is do you?", he asked.

" Yea it's on Wednesday the day she goes back", I told him.

" Okay thanks man I'll talk to you soon", he said.

" Alright have fun on tour, bye", I said before hanging up.

Harry was really such a good guy, he treated my sister like she's the only girl in the world and I'm so grateful that she has someone like him in her life looking out for her, whether she knows it or not.

* Issys POV *

" We are here to celebrate the death of a dear loved one, Mr. Jordan James Bayback", the pastor started, bringing up Jordan's parents that were seated in the front row after he said those words.

" And his parents would like to say a few words before we continue this ceremony", he added, taking a seat as they both stepped onto the altar.

" We wanted to say thank you to everyone who came here today. We know it's not so fun ever for anyone to attend a funeral service but we appreciate all your support in coming. And we especially know that Jordan would of been so grateful to each and every single one of you who cared enough to witness this ceremony in his honor", his mother Amelia said, her words beginning to break as tears started to slowly roll down her cheeks, looking to her husband for assistance.

" Well, where do you start with this boy", his father Dominick said, making everyone in the church laugh as he shook his head jokingly.

" I remember twenty years ago when my wife had told me she was pregnant with him, so much joy was brought into our family that day. He made our lives worth living so much more. Our son was the brightest, most intelligent, silly, admirable man that we could ever ask for in life. He literally lit up any room that he was in. And although we were aware he might of not showed it in the best way all the time, but he really was an amazing human being. Deep within him he held a special place in his heart for every person that was associated with him in his life. But there is one specific girl in this room today that left a perpetuate imprint on his soul forever that he will hold within him in heaven. She needs to know that she made his last days the best, and she's responsible for the smile that was on his face as he took his last breath. And it would mean the world to my wife and I if that girl would please share the temporary journey she had with our son. Issy, would you please come up here?", his father said, making me shift uncomfortably in my seat, earning a reassuring nod from Matt as he sat beside me, motioning me to go up. I then took a deep breath, and stood up from the pue, making my way down the aisle, earning sympathetic gazes from all of the guests that were seated in the church.

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