Chapter 67 - The First Appointment

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* Issy's POV *

Harry and I were currently at the doctors in the hospital, waiting for the results of the pregnancy test they had me take just to make sure, so they could schedule my appointment for the sonogram, or ultrasound.

" Would you stop touching he's gonna be back any minute!", I whisper shouted at him, trying not to laugh as I saw him take some cotton swabs from the jar on the doctor's desk.

" We're out these at your house, oooo Issy look he has a jar full of Hershey kisses too!", he said, walking over to them, clearly not paying attention as I sighed into my hand, while it covered my face, laying on the maroon colored hospital bed.

" Harry Edward Styles don't you dare! If you take anything and the doctor finds out, we'll never be aloud here again and then we won't have anybody to deliver our baby", I sternly told him.

" We'll just find a new one then, but don't worry I'm sure that won't happen any-

" Harrrrryyyy", I said interrupting him, giggling slightly as he laughed, taking my hand in his as he stood next to the bed I was laying in after putting the things he took back.

" I'm kiddinngg love I wouldn't steal anything ", he said, pecking my lips, causing my head to turn after we heard a knock on the door, allowing Dr.Leo to come back into the room.

" Hi guys, okay so the results came back and congratulations, you are indeed pregnant", he said, smiling at the both of us as Harry kissed my cheek, squeezing my hand gently.

" Alright so by the looks of it, you are about almost three weeks along, so I'll schedule an appointment for an ultrasound in three weeks, how's that?", he asked, shifting his gaze between the both of us.

" That's perfect", I said, giving him a warm smile.

" Great, so by the looks of your physical you are perfectly healthy, but in your records I see you have had a misscarriage in the past?", he questioned, my eyes threatening to become watery, my hand around Harry's loosening as I heard the word, watching as he kissed my forehead while I looked up at him, my eyes full of worry.

" Um yeh sorry it's a sensitive subject for her, it happended almost two months ago", Harry answered for me, kissing the top of my head, before giving my hand another reassuring squeeze.

" Oh alright, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make either of you upset. I just wanted to let you know that having a miscarriage for a first pregnancy is very common. But you shouldn't be in danger whatsoever for your second one, I just wanted to assure you of that. However, we do recommend an early ultrasound for women who have had complications in any pregnancies before", he said, sending me a sympathetic smile.

" How early?", I asked him, feeling a little more relaxed as I felt Harry's hand beginning to rub circles around my back.

" In about three weeks like I recommended", he said to us. "But you have nothing to worry about its just a precaution we take just to check things out", he added, smiling as I laid my head on Harry's side, playing with one of my fingers.

" Okay, can we do it on a Friday please?", I asked, smiling softly as he nodded, writing on a tiny card.

" Yes we can here's a little reminder for you dear, any questions before you guys leave?", he asked, looking between Harry and I.

" Yes I actually do", Harry said, speaking up.

" Alright what's your question?", he asked.

" Is there anything I can do to help her during the pregnancy, like is there any classes I could take or things I could do to assist during anything?", he asked, making me smile slightly as I looked down, trying not to blush.

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