Chapter 54 - Now Its Now My Turn

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Song for this chapter

One Direction - Ready To Run

* Issy's POV *

" Dad?"

He just stood there, his hands buried into his pockets, meeting my gaze every other second. He looked almost- nervous.

" Hi Issy, may I please come in?", he asked me. I was about to say yes, but all the memories of what he had said to me back at the house stopped me from presuming with the action.

" No, you may not I have nothing to say to you", I said, watching as he looked down, his eyes having a shade of sadness to them as I said those words.

" Sweetheart please, I just want to talk to you then I'll leave", he said. I then looked up, thinking about it, slowly nodding, letting him through the door.

" Emily babe, I'd like you to meet someone", I said, taking her hand in mine.

" Dad this is Emily, I'm a friend of her family's, Emily this is my father", I said to her, smiling as she went to greet him.

" It's nice to meet you Mr. Laylitch", she said, making him chuckle a bit.

" Thank you, but the pleasure is mine sweetie, you can call me Mr. Eric", he told her, making her smile at the sudden permission.

" Okay, Mr.Eric, it was nice meeting you, but I have to go back to my house for dinner, I live down the street from Issy", she explained.

" Alright Emily, well it was a pleasure to meet you once again, enjoy your the rest of your day", he told her, being slightly caught off guard as she hugged him, making him smile down at her.

" You too Mr. Eric, bye Issy I'll see you tomorrow, mommy is outside waiting for me I see her outside", she told me, opening the door.

" Okay bye sweetie! Hi Grace!", I yelled out the door, watching as she waved to me and my dad, before taking Emily.

" Hi guys! Thanks for watching her Issy", she said, before closing the door behind her.

" Please take a seat, if you don't mind I'd like to talk to you sitting down", he said. I then sat down beside him on the couch, looking down at the ground.

" Dad", I said, still keeping my gaze on the floor beneath us.

" Yes sweetheart?", he asked.

" Please don't tell me somebody else died", I said, now looking at him.

" Oh honey no, no nobody died", he assured me, putting his arm around my back.

" Then why are you calling me 'sweetheart', a-and 'honey' all of a sudden? Why are you even here?", I asked him.

" I always call you sweetheart and honey Issy", he said, taking his arm off me.

" No, my real dad used to call me sweetheart and honey, not this one", I spit back.

" Issy I know I've caused you a great deal of pain when you didn't need it, but I came here to apologize to you", he said.

" Apologize for what dad? You can't just come here and apologize when all the damage has been done. I needed you to be there while I was going through it, not after", I said, watching as he nodded intently.

" Yes, yes your completely right and I understand that now. But people make mistakes Issy and -

" Mistakes? You stopped talking to me because of an adult decision that I had to make for myself. You didn't make a mistake. You held a selfish, unfair grudge against your own daughter for months. Manipulating her into thinking she did something wrong by making a choice for her future. Now I don't know about you, but to me that sounds worse than a simple mistake", I told him.

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