Chapter 26 - Dont Fall For It

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* Issy's POV *

It was the day after Harry left, that I realized I had absolutely nothing to do. My house was finally together and everything was in place, thanks to his help. And I finished my college prep, and I can't believe it was going to start so soon. Just four more weeks and I'll be going to University. But honestly, I'm not thinking about college at all right now. And that's so bad because that should be my main priority. And it is, believe me it is. However, I just wasn't thinking about it. How can I when my ex won't leave me alone, I am scared of how the fans were gonna react or say, and I have to tell Harry about Jordan. I was just trying to stay focused, but I know as soon as Jordan leaves at the end of next week, most of my stress will go away. But I'm trying to act as if everything is okay because, I don't want Harry worrying about me when he is busy. That's the whole reason why I don't want to tell him. I don't want to do that to him, put my crazy mess on his plate. But I know I have to sooner or later. And I keep choosing later but I knew the time had to be sooner at one point.

I sat up from the couch, seeing who was at the door. I thought it was Grace and Emily because she had said we could do some of the wedding planning today. But, it wasn't her, it was Jordan.

" Can you please stop coming here?", I asked him as he walked in, spitting his gum in the trashcan.

" No, where's Harry?", he asked me, sitting on the recliner that was next to the sofa.

" Hes not here", I told him, sitting back on the couch.

" Oh where is he?", he questioned. I rolled my eyes, glaring at him.

" Where do you think he is Jordan", I said, changing the channel. " He went back on tour from his days off ", I said.

" Ohh so that's why your so moody, I thought you were on your period", he replied.

" I'm not moody your just annoying so please leave me alone", I answered.

" Is he coming back for your birthday next week?", he asked.

" Yea, I almost forgot it was my birthday next week", I said in all honesty.

" I didn't", he responded, trying to see my face.

" You can't just keep coming here you should at least call first", I told him. He gave me an 'are you serious' look before speaking up.

" Uh Iss are you on drugs you told me not to contact you ever since it happened, remember?", he asked me.

" Oh so you listen to me on that but when it comes to other things you won't huh", I said to him, raising my brows as I crossed my arms.

" Your the one who changed your number and deleted me from your contacts, that hurt", he said. I shrugged.

" That's on you, you shouldn't have gone through my phone", I told him.

" I didn't come here to fight with you, I just came to spend time with you, plus you look a little upset with him gone", he said. I knew exactly what he was doing and It wasn't gonna work.

" Well I'm fine", I said, scrolling through some messages that my brother had sent me two minutes ago, to check up on me.

" So, how have you been?", he asked.

" I'm great, but shouldn't you be worrying about how you are", I said back to him.

" Are you and Harry dating? I mean all the magazines say you guys are but I know not to believe everything sooo, I wanted to hear it from you", he explained. I looked up from my phone, nodding while smiling just thinking about him.

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