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'And as the truth fell upon Louise, she realized this gory scene before her was no lie....'
With a quick glance of her bloodshot eyes, the girl gazed at her alarm clock; electric red numerals read an ungodly hour of the night. She sighed and ruffled her hair. She wouldn't dare admit it, but she was with a case of writer's block.
For the past...few minutes; or was it hours? The girl stared at her computer screen. Its cursor constantly flickering, as if it were mocking her.
A sudden knock on her room's door startled her, "(Name), I swear to god if you're still awake!!"
"I don't think I'm going to school tomorrow anyways!"
A huff and footsteps pounded off, the girl's mother had easily given up. Her 'kissing disease' was helpful at times like this.
      (Name) ran her hands through her bleached locks, before drinking the remnants of her third can of Redbull. Hopefully her parents wouldn't notice...
      (Name) glanced at her clock again, and decided to throw in the rag. She was getting nowhere...and surely forcing herself to write would make things worse.

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"(Name) if you aren't going to school, try to get some milk at the nearest convenience store."
"I can barely go down the stairs."
"I did say try." (Name)'s mother, Piña, slicked back her golden locks. She puckered her lips and finished her morning routine with bold red lipstick. "If you get a fever go to Tanaka's apartment. He'll watch you."
And so she did.
Tanaka Ken was a rather buff 60 year old. He stood 5'11'', and still had a full head of hair. He was a widower, with 4, or 5, kids. Sadly, though, his children only seemed to visit when in need of money.
"Hello (Name)-tan, have a fever?"
"Yea..." The blonde welcomed herself inside and sprawled herself on Tanaka's couch, "This sucksssss...!"
"I can only imagine," Tanaka sighed, "You've had this since middle school...? And now it's, what? Your first month of high school."
(Name) groaned and closed her (E/C) orbs, he was right she had had this for awhile now...
Infectious Mononucleosis, or simply mono, was a terrible illness. It wasn't deadly, but caused inconvenient symptoms for long periods of time.
      "If it makes you feel any better, I have some new American Horror films."
      (Name) groggily lifted her inky arm, "Niicceee..."
      Tanaka shook his head at her tattooed figure, as he placed several DVD cases on his coffee table. "The one with the clown, I think they made a remake."
      "Iffd?" Came her muffled voice.
      "I can't hear you."
      "Still, no."
      (Name) raised her arm and allowed her blackened fingers to shape the word, 'It', in mid-air.
      "Ahh...Alright. Such a shame you can't make better use of that quirk."
     (Name) emitted a loud groan, showing her distaste for his previous comment. She rolled herself off the couch with a, 'thump', and lifted up the DVD cases.
(Name) (Last Name) was what one may call a...movie enthusiast; especially those of horror. She could become so enraptured by the film she would forget about time itself. She could, and would, waste days watching and criticizing these movies; and that is exactly what she did today.
Finishing her third movie, (Name) looked at the large grandfather clock that resided in the corner. It was early evening, 5:30 to be exact. So, (Name) decided to comply with her mother's wishes; go to the convenience store and buy milk.
       "Naka-chan ...I'm headed to the convenience store! Need anything?"
      When the silence of the apartment had answered her, she shrugged and believed his answer was a no. It wasn't anything unusual, Tanaka was an avid nap taker.

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      With her 'Kissing Disease', walking down about two blocks, and back, felt like a mountain climb to (Name). Her only solace was the brisk air that came with the evening. She cherished the wind against her bleached, and damaged, locks.
      Sudden shrill alarms and bold, flashing lights interrupted her peace; yet as soon as they came they left. (Name) shrugged and continued her trek.
      Turning the final corner in her journey, (Name) is greeted by the same flashing lights. She halts her movement, fear seeping into her being. She mechanically continued forward in trepidation.
Bold, yellow police tape encircled (Name)'s apartment complex. (Name) timidly raised the yellow plastic, and trudged towards the commotion.
      Inside, dozens of officers filled the complex to the brim; (Name), with her small form, shuffled through. After climbing up a flight or two (with the occasional break to catch her breath), (Name) arrived to the source of the police swarm;

Tanaka Ken's apartment.

Published- July 4th, 2018

☆Mishaps & Strawberry Milk☆ {Shouto Todoroki x (Writer!) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now