~Side Story: The Rock's Day of Birth~

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      A short Drabble for his birthday.

      The lights were dimmed almost to the point of them being off, giving the dorm-room's ambiance a mysterious vibe. Several, manly, pieces of furniture were pushed to the side, allowing a more open space to be created. Finally, a busted grey office chair sat in the middle of it all.
      A figure was seated in the office chair. It impatiently tapped its foot, as it glanced at the watch on its wrist. In bold numerals it read, 11:49. Suddenly this form regretted their plans.
"Thanks ago bro! See you tomorrow!"
'About damn time!'
The door clicked open, permitting light to flood into the room. The red-head perplexed tilted his head, he could've sworn his punching bag wasn't there before...
He took several steps into his room, activating his quirk for good measure. "Oi, who's there?"
The chair pivoted, revealing the inky figure of (Name). She held a dinosaur plush on her lap, dramatically petting it. "I've been expecting you..." She spoke, "Are you prepared—"
"(Name), how long have you been here?"
"Since after school, but that doesn't matter."
"Aren't you hungry, tired??"
"Shush—!" (Name) coughed, hoping to return to her previous topic, "Are you prepared for more birthday surprises?"
       Kirishima yawned, he stretched his arms back and allows his joints to pop, "Are you sure? It's already the 17th...and I'm pooped! Kaminari, Sero, and Mina are no joke with karaoke. Even Bakubro joined in..."
      "Boo-hoo! Drink this!" A small bottle that read 5-Hour-Energy was tossed to him, "We're gonna party!!"
      "Um...are you sure?"
      The redhead reluctantly complied to her wishes. Downing half the bottle, Kirishima already felt jittery.
        "Bam! First gift!" The plush that was formerly atop (Name)'s lap, was harshly thrown to his face, "Now! Let's do this!"
      "...How many did you drink?"
      "And a half."

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