~Chapter 23~

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Midoriya blinked once, then twice. Although his eyes seemed lifeless, he scanned the room he currently inhabited. The strong smell of antibacterials struck him, which was fitting considering he was in a hospital room. Marginal to his head was a basket of fruit, with a messily written note from his mother. His arms dully ached as he attempted to grab the note. However once he slightly raised his arms he realized they were heavily bandaged.
"Knock, knock—" Kaminari poked his head into Midoriya's room, "Oh—Midoriya! You're awake!" The electric blond invited himself in, while the majority of 1.A followed. "You see what's on tv?" Kaminari continued, "The medias' all over the school!"
      Midoriya opened his chapped lips and spoke, "Is everyone from class here?" His voice was coarse, and each word agitated his aching throat.
      "No, Jirou and Hagakure are still unconscious. Yaoyorozu also received a terrible head wound."
      Uraraka nodded solemnly at Ida's words, "All 15 of us are here...and of course we can't forget about Bakugou..."
        "Yet you seem to have forgotten about (Name)."
        "Whoa—Todoroki—wait a minute..."
"You're all so worried about Bakugou, when he's a stubborn and hotheaded bastard—who has encountered villains before. Yet, you're all silent when (Name) is mentioned. She was forced to attend the hero course, and she becomes anxious whenever she's under pressure."
"Todoroki, besides you, and maybe Kirishima...none of us considered her apart of our class." Mina intercepted Todoroki's tangent, "She's a villain for crying out loud!"
"And you're a bully."
"Kirishima, you even said you didn't trust her!"
"Mina, things changed," Kirishima averted his attention to Midoriya, "Todoroki and I plan to follow a tracker Yaomomo placed on one of the villains. We'll be outside the hospital tonight, if we don't see you we'll assume you won't be joining us."
"Kirishima!! How could you even think of that? And Todoroki, I thought you learned your lesson after Hosu! You have to be joking!!" Ida stepped forward as he yelled. His seething form neared Kirishima and Todoroki, however he was promptly stopped by Shouji.
"I understand why..." He started, "Kirishima was unable to do anything, while Todoroki had Bakugou and (Name) snatched before his eyes. I regret doing nothing as well..."

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      "Jeez...why're they criticizing the heroes? They tried, no?" Shigaraki dramatically shrugged as he pivoted to face two chained students, "Heroes sure have it rough, huh?"
        Bakugou pursed his lips. He listened to the villains rant as he internally groaned.
      "So, you can manipulate you body?"
      "Y-yea...what about it?"
       "If they ever chain us up could you pick the lock?"
        "I guess..."
      "It was a yes or no question—how the fuck do you answer with 'I guess'?"
      "Fine, I can. Depends on how complex though."
      Within the chains that bonded her, (Name) strategically used her quirk to unlock it. She cringed when a 'click' was heard. (Name) used one hand to hold up her chains, while her second slowly looped around to Bakugou's
      "Well, If the lock is easy enough, unlock yours then mine–we can both probably hold off the fuckers then run."
         "Probably doesn't sound very safe."
        "Fuck off."
      "Bakugou, you love to win! (Name), heroes have deemed you a horrid villain and society has rejected you as such! Join the League, and gain revenge on those so called just heroes...Dabi untie them."

Published- March 26, 2019

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