~Chapter 7~

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"U-um—hey!" (Name) jogged towards the train platform, as she waved like a madman, "G-good morning, Todoroki."
      The bi-colored male nodded at (Name), "Are you ready for the exams?"
(Name) muttered, "Yes...though, I'm kind of nervous about the practical. I have far less experience."
      "I'm sure you will be given a handicap concerning the test."
      The duo walked in a comfortable silence, as they made their way to the looming school building. Throughout the course of the study date disaster, to the date of the final exams, (Name) and Todoroki had ridden the train together. It was a strange occurrence, as it had became an involuntary habit.
The pair soon entered the classroom, the class greeting the scarred boy; while Kirishima happily greeted both.
      "I'm hella pumped for the exams! Bakubro drilled all the information into me!" The red-head pumped his fists together, "Let's get our entryway to the Summer Training Camp!!"
(Name) shyly smiled, "Of course!"

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"There's a bunch of teachers here..."
"Maybe they're here to help grade...?"
Side-by-side, the students of 1.A quietly questioned the horde of teachers. The written exams passed without a hitch, each passing with flying colors.
      "Knowing you guys, you probably asked around...and you might think you have a vague idea of how this'll go—"
      Before Aizawa could finish his statement, Mina and Kaminari eagerly jumped.
      "It's a robot jumble, like the entrance exam!"
Aizawa silently stepped forward (ignoring the rude interruption), as his grey scarf shuffled. The movement increased, before the principal jumped out. He placed a paw onto Aizawa's head, and used his other to wave. "Not quite!! Various circumstances have demanded a revision to the exam format!"
      "A revision...?" Confused chatter arose from the class, they had prepared for robots, not for a surprise turn of events!
      Principal Nedzu slid down Aizawa's scarf. He giddily clapped his hands together. "Due to the recent increase of Villain activity, the staff has unanimously agreed that fighting faux villains is impractical! Instead, we will place you in teams to go against a teacher!"
The students visibly froze, none of them were expecting this. Anxious glances were sent to their teachers, the students were ready for the worst.
'Oh god...I'm at such a disadvantage!!' (Name) bit her lip beneath her mask, as doubtful thoughts raced through her head, 'They've had months of training...! I've only had about three weeks...'
Principal Nedzu continued to explain the exam's rules. It was simple, either run away or apprehend your opponent with handcuffs.
"Now, there are ten teams that have already been created. There will be one team of three, including (Last Name). Her team's opponent will have less of a handicap compare to the others."

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"Hell yes! We got Midnight as our villain!"
A smack resounded, and the perpetrator glared at the victim, "Its an exam, Mineta! Drop the creep factor a bit..." With a final glare, Sero closed his helmet.
"You're so mean! (Last Name), tell him off!"
"P-please don't bring me into this..."
"Anyways...Midnight's quirk is Somnambulist. It'll make me and Mineta fall asleep faster, compared to you (Last Name)."
"Well...not exactly." The memory of Midnight using the quirk on her resurfaced, causing her to shudder.
Mineta fiercely blushed, "Y-you're...transgender...?"
Sero's eyes widened, "I-if you are that's totally fine...!"
(Name) removed her hat and ran her inky fingers through her hair, "No...I'm well...boobs are nice?"
Sero gaped, while Mineta smirked. "They totally are! (Last Name), I like your style!"
"Goddamnit, unlike you I have...b-boundaries! Y-you don't see me trying to molest you guys!"
"I thought you liked boobs?"
"E-er! Stop—saying it like that!" (Name) meekly poked her fingers together, "I-I like girls...and boys!"
"So you like to experiment?" Mineta laughed, "Don't be embarrassed, I've done it as well!"
Sero heavily sighed, as he intervened, "We have an exam to take! (Last Name) has morals unlike you Mineta, drop it!"
      (Name) thankfully nodded, while Mineta kicked a rock and pouted. Sero ignored his actions and began to formulate a plan, "Our best bet is running!"
      The trio each agreed on their makeshift plan. They stood arms-length from one another, as they awaited the starting horn.
      'Summer training camp...here I come!'

Published- August 2, 2018

☆Mishaps & Strawberry Milk☆ {Shouto Todoroki x (Writer!) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now