~Chapter 5~

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"I didn't study at all!"
Ah yes, the week before summer vacation; and more importantly final exams. Class 1.A was abuzz with nervous, and excited, chatter.
The lowest of my the crop (academic wise) begged the more elite for help. It was a desperate hunt for help. Luckily though, (Name) wasn't at all bad. In fact, she placed 7/21.
"(Name) are you going to ask Bakugou for help with studying?"
"Like hell, Eiji...!" (Name) rested her head on her desk, "I think he's still pissed about that bruise. Speaking of I have to apologize to Todoroki. And not to brag, but I'm a decent studier."
It had been a week or so since (Name)'s transfer. Throughout that time she clung to Kirishima, especially after the revelation of her being Tanaka's 'murderer'. Most students were wary of her, and avoided her at all costs. Yet, a select few treated her no different than the rest of their peers.
"(Name)-san, would you like me to tutor you for exams? You're still new to our class, and I fear you'll be left behind!"
"Ah...oh...um, o-of course Momo!"
"Wonderful! I'll make sure I'll have my best china out!" Momo gushed, "I have Earl Grey tea, or would you rather request another?" The girl rushed to her desk and eagerly wrote out her plans.
"What happened to being a good studier?"
"Shuddup! She was e-excited...! And she looked super cute gushing like that..."
Kirishima flicked (Name)'s forehead, knocking her out of her reverie. "Shame...! You ditched you best friend for her! What happened to pals before gals?!"
(Name) sighed at Kirishima's dramatic episode, "I thought that didn't apply to girls..."
"It's accepted if it's a lesbian!"
"I'm bisexual..."
"Still counts!"

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     "Er—u-m....T-Todoroki-san!" (Name) anxiously twirled her hair, "M-may I speak to you?"
      Said male excused himself from his lunch table. He placed his chopsticks atop his cold soba noddles and nodded.
      "Ooo~ Todoroki-kun's getting a confession!"
      "U-uraraka! (Last Name)-san has only known him for a week!"
      "Dekuuu~ Todoroki-kun's looks can enraptured any girl!"
      (Name) twitched under Todoroki's confused gaze. He leaned onto the hallway's wall and watched the pacing girl.
"Is there something wrong?"
Todoroki had already grasped his current situation, after all he had lived through it multiple times. A girl had asked to talk to him, was stuttering and had rosy cheeks. It was blatantly obvious she was confess—
"I'm really sorry for yeeting...er throwing, you at B-Bakugou!"
"What...?" He was wrong...?
"It's just that...I was scared! And he was coming at me full speed, he blew my arm off too!" (Name) spoke in a hurried jumble, waving her newly grown limb, "I-it wasn't very Hero-like to do that! Especially since it was just a simple race! I'm...so, so sorry!" To finish off her dramatic apology, she deeply bowed. Her long bleached locks covering her tomato-like face.
Todoroki softly shook his head, his arrogance had got to him again, "Don't worry about it...Bakugou is very, hostile at times. It was only natural for you to panic."
"O-oh...thank you!" (Name) straightened herself, "No hard feelings?"
      (Name) giddily clapped, "Thank goodness! I thought you'd go hard on me because everyone thinks I'm a villain!"
      "I see..."
      "Oh! And, a gift for our new start!" (Name) fumbled through her blazer's pockets, and retrieved a carton of strawberry milk. She tossed it to Todoroki, whom caught it with ease.
      "Strawberry milk? A strange apology gift...any particular reason why?"
      'How did she know I liked this.?'
      (Name)'s inky skin crinkled as she smiled, "You seem like the type to like it!" With a final wave, (Name) left the boy.
      '(Name) (Last Name), huh?' Todoroki's heterochromic orbs stared at her retreating figure, 'I'm sure we'll have many strange encounters together...'
      Once (Name) vanished from his sight, Todoroki plucked the carton's straw, and poked the it's top. He took his first sip, and hummed in satisfaction.
     He was sure he'd like his next encounter with (Name).

Published- July 25, 2018

☆Mishaps & Strawberry Milk☆ {Shouto Todoroki x (Writer!) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now