~Chapter 12~

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Oceans of people swarmed the Kiyashi Mall, the sight abundant with dozens of colors. Hundreds of conversations merged together, causing an indecipherable buzz of noise. At the certain of it all was a large circular fountain, and marginal to it was the students of class 1.A (excluding a couple).
The large group students amiably chatted. Eventually, smaller groups of students trickled away, each wishing to purchase their necessities for training camp.
"Hey, Kirishima!" Mina called, "You joining us?" She shoved her thumb behind her, motioning to Sero and Kaminari.
"Sorry! Can't, I'm spending the day with (Name)!" Kirishima lifted up their conjoined hands, "See ya later!"
Mina forced a smile and nodded, she walked away leaving the duo.
"Thanks." (Name) mumbled.
"Let's go then!" Kirishima skipped off, dragging (Name) behind.

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      "And then he was like-" Kirishima threw his hands up, causing some of his ice cream to splatter on the food court's table, "Fyoom! Boom!"
(Name) laughed at Kirishima's sport's festival narrative. She scooped some of her cherry gelato; she enjoyed the generous spoonful as it melted on her tongue.
"Bakugou, seems like an actual firecracker. Anyways, what does that black ice cream taste like?"
"It's sweet just like you!" Kirishima playfully winked, "It's like vanilla."
(Name) giggled, "It's honestly hysterical that you wanted to have ice cream that looked like me."
"But you got a cherry gelato! It matches my hair," Kirishima pouted, "We gotta match."
      "Mhmm..." (Name) munched on her gelato, before she offered a spoonful, "Want some?"
      Kirishima nodded, and opened his mouth. (Name) catapulted the frozen-treat into his mouth and cheered, "Hole in one!"
       "Lets continue-," Kirishima flinched from brain freeze, "Shopping."
      "O-K-" (Name) hopped onto Kirishima's back, "Onwards my trusted steed, go Eiji!" She jokingly kicked his thighs, as he adjusted her body.
      "Alright!" Kirishima rushed forward. Maneuvering himself through the many crowds.

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      Faux lighting emitted from a computer highlighted the faces of two friends. It was the ungodly hours of the night, but the pair were bursting with energy. The duo squeezed together, sharing the single computer chair.
       The false lightening barely illuminated the retro 'Crimson Riot' posters, and the friends contrasting hair colors; to ends of a spectrum black and yellow.
      "Dammit, Eiji! Click the next video!!"
     "I'm trying! Our internet isn't top tier!" Kirishima pouted, "Crimson Riot's new interview better be up!"

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      "That's why you have a big 'R' on your costume's belt. Crimson Riot! Nice, big throwback."
      "Haha, but really? It? That book petrified you!"
      "Real funny! The movie totally watered it down!"
      Kirishima quietly gasped, "That movie freaked me out..." (Name) laughed and playfully punched his shoulder.
      The pair currently waited on line at 'Hot Topic'. Kirishima had wished to enter the store, and purchase a bookbag, and a several articles of clothing. They animatedly chatted, as the cashier scanned Kirishima's items.
"But..." Kirishima wiggled his eyebrows, "How're things with Momo?" He playfully nudged her side, as a cherry-red blush encased her features.
"Well...um. I've been, well avoiding her."
      Kirishima quickly paid the cashier, before raising an eyebrow in question, "Still? You should go for it!"
      "I can't—"
      A sudden, and shrill, alarm blared throughout the mall. The intercom roared with, 'Please leave the premises, a villain has been sighted '.
      The many patrons of the mall run amuck, using any means necessary to push through the crowd. (Name) clung to Kirishima's side, constantly stumbling.
       After much hassling through the crowds, the duo had finally exited the building.
"Are you alright?" Kirishima queried.
(Name) nodded, "Yea."
Police forces scurried about, questioning any bystanders. One familiar face, though, caught the eye of (Name).
Warrod Brown's menacing glare sent chills down (Name)'s spine. He stalked towards her, never allowing his glare to falter.
"What the bloody hell are you doing here?!" He bellowed, "With this I can finally arrest ya'!" He eyed (Name)'s disheveled figure and scoffed, "Who the hell gave you permission to come here?"
(Name)'s form stiffened, "Eraserhead, and Midnight."
"Didn't you think you should've checked in with me?"
"No...in the rules of my probation, my—t-teachers have a higher authority than you."
Warrod's eyes narrowed as he took a step forward. He reached for his holster, before a voice called out to him.
A cat-headed detective ordered him to investigate the fountain. This promptly caused Warrod to grumble and leave.
(Name) released a breath she was holding, she pivoted on her heels to face Kirishima; whom had watched the whole confrontation.
"That's your parole officer?"
"Y-yes..." (Name) hiccuped, as she wiped her forming tears, "He...j-just won't let up!"
Kirishima groped through his bags before retrieving two black sweaters. Embroidered on one was a wedge of cheese, and the other a macaroni. The first read, 'You are the cheese' and the second, 'To my macaroni'.
"U-um, I couldn't show you before. But I got these for us! Cheer up!"
(Name) meekly smiled and placed one on top of her shirt. "Thanks, Eiji." She giggled, "Really."
Kirishima winked, and wore his, "Let's head home for now, I'll text everyone if they're alright later." He clasped (Name)'s hand, and began to swing it back and forth. The girl laughed at his antics, as she wiped her final tears.

Published- August 18, 2018

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