~Chapter 14~

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      With a sigh and a groan, (Name) slowly lifted herself off of a plush sofa. She analyzed her surroundings, and noted she was still missing an arm. She tied her bleached locks into a loose ponytail (as best to her ability), and left the room.
      A low hum of chatter was her guide to where her peers were located. They all sat side-by-side scarfing down what seemed to be rice with an assortment of vegetables and meats.
      "Ahh! You're awake!!!" A doe-eyed woman skipped up to (Name), "Eat as much as you like, then you and your classmates are heading to the baths!"
      (Name) processed the woman's words, "A-alright, um–thank you."
      "No problem!! Call me Rag-doll!" She dramatically posed, raising one leg and both arms into the air, "I'm one of the Pussycats!"
      "I'm...(Name), o-oh um." She wiggled what was left of her right arm, "Do you have ink...?"
      "Sure, sure! Sit down, I'll get some for ya!" Ragdoll giggled, "You deserved to be coddled until tomorrow!" She pranced off, leaving a puzzled (Name).
(Name) awkwardly stood, an estranged sensation flooded her being. At this moment she truly wished that she could become one with the wall.
"(Name)! You're alive!" Kirishima obnoxiously waved, "Sit with us! The food is amazing!"
Kaminari, whom visibly flinched, forced a smile, "Y-Yeah..."
(Name), with no other options, agreed. She sat in between the duo, and served herself.
The atmosphere between the three was tense, until Rag-doll hopped towards them. "I have the ink!"
      "T-thanks..." (Name) meekly smiled, and took the small bottle. She opened the top and drank its contents, ignoring the gags she heard. Her right...stub?, soon began to lengthen back to its original size.
      "Did you just...drink ink?"
      (Name) looked at the blond, "Um—yea?"
      "Doesn't it taste bad?"
      "I...well—I don't question when you stick chargers into your mouth, but if you're that curious, it tastes like black licorice."

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(Name) was always content with her body. She wasn't sickeningly fat, or skinny, she was just right in her opinion. At this moment, though, she so very wished for a bigger bust. She always use her quirk...but she was still tuckered from the forest of beasts. The towel she was given to use for when she bathed, just wouldn't stay covering her body.
      (Name) slipped into the girl's portion of the hot springs. She had stayed back, finishing her dinner at a slower pace than the others.
Even if she couldn't soak with the others, she'd wet the towel and wipe herself clean. She found a shower head near the pool of water, and began to lightly rinse the towel.
"Kero, Yaomomo, I have a question."
"Of course, Tsuyu! What is it?"
"Why do you associate yourself with (Last Name)?"
"Tsu-chan is right!" Mina raised a thumbs up, "She's just a no-good villain that was brought here to 'rehabilitate'!"
Eyes slightly widening, Momo let out an airy laugh, "Aizawa-sensei wanted to me to help her get situated with the class. I talk to her to be polite, but...she seems friendly enough. Let's not continue gossiping."
(Name) clenched, the now sopping, towel. She harshly tied it to her waist, much like how the boys would, and stormed off. She didn't care if someone saw her bare chest, she was just...infuriated and depressed.
She turned down one of the various hallways, only to find a brooding Todoroki. He propped himself on the wall, his attire matching (Name)'s.
The male glanced upwards, only to find (Name) with watery eyes. He coughed and slightly motioned to her chest, "(Last Name)...you're chest."
"I—just don't care...they're sacks of tissue. You're topless as well..." She dryly laughed, "I always seem to find you whenever I'm upset."
"It appears so. Do you need to talk.?"
"Um...well—I guess." (Name) seated herself besides Todoroki, "It just...why don't people believe me? I think I have one person besides my childhood friend, but it turns out they were told to talks to me."
Todoroki slid down the wall, and sat next to her, "I'll believe you."
"Thanks..." She sniffled, "I just really liked Momo....turns out I'm just 'friendly enough'."
"So...you're lesbian?"
"Noooo...! Bisexual, I dig dudes as well."
"How come you aren't blushing around me then? You always seem to blush at breasts." His question seemed genuine, he was stoic and making heavy eye contact.
(Name) chuckled at Todoroki's deadpanned expression, "Just cause I like guys doesn't—well...it doesn't mean I'll become a blushing mess. It's weird...Why do you care anyways?"
"Oh—no reason."
(Name) giggled, "Obvious much? If it makes you feel better, you're good looking."
Todoroki nodded, pleased at her comment, "You as well."
"Mhmm..." (Name) leaned her head onto Todoroki's shoulder, "Who knew coming out for the nth time could improve my mood. Thanks Todoroki."
"Call me Shouto, and anytime."
"Okay, then I'm (Name). But seriously, you seem to be the only one besides Kirishima whom I can depend on."
"I'm glad."

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"Um—Mineta I know you're there..." (Name) glanced upwards at the ceiling, glaring at the perverted midget, "You could've at least tried to hide your quirk's balls."
Mineta heavily panted and wiped his drool, "Falling down the hot spring's wall was worth getting to see this!"
"Truly?" Todoroki raised his arm, allowing ice to incase Mineta.
"Thank you."

Published- August 29, 2018

☆Mishaps & Strawberry Milk☆ {Shouto Todoroki x (Writer!) Reader}Where stories live. Discover now